Friday, March 02, 2018

I got deeply into Dean Martin early in college...........

Image result for dean martin swingers

Image result for Brangien Davis
Hey pallies,  over the course of time here at ilovedinomartin we have been proudly pleased to share tons and tons of stories of the incredible influence that our most beloved Dino has had on other up and comin' entertainers' lives and we are once 'gain perfectly privileged this very Dino-day to share 'nother true tale of Dino-transformation in the life of a 39 year old professional musician.

From the blog "Crosscut," which describes itself as the "Pacific Northwest’s independent, reader-supported, nonprofit news site" comes a post tagged "A musical memoir by bassist Evan Flory-Barnes."  Wonderfully written by Miss Brangien Davis (see image 'bove), the post relates the story of Mr. Evan Flory-Barnes'  musical memoir "On Loving the Muse and Family," which opened on March 1 at the Seattle venue "On The Boards."

Likes in the brief excitin' excerpt shared below, Miss Davis shares Mr Flory-Barnes personal story of how he "got deeply into Dean Martin early in college" and how his deep deep diggin' of our Dino has influenced his musical journey and his new show wantin' it "to have the vibe of a swingin’ 1960s variety show."  Thus pallies, yet 'nother excellent example of how long after our Dino's departure from the earth, our most beloved Dino is still incredibly influencin' amazin' artists like Mr. Evan Flory-Barnes."

We thanks Mr. Evan Flory-Barnes for sharin' his personal testimony of the remarkable role our Dino has played in musical career.  And, likes we thanks Miss Brangien Davis for sharin' this in print form at "Crosscut."  We energetically encourage all youse Dino-holics to take the time to read the rest of the story by clickin' on the tag of this's a remarkable read pallies!

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

A musical memoir by bassist Evan Flory-Barnes
The Seattle musician takes doo-wop, jazz and soul to center stage

by Brangien Davis

Seattle bassist Evan Flory-Barnes

Seattle bassist Evan Flory-Barnes premieres his musical memoir "On Loving the Muse and Family" at On the Boards March 1. (Photo by Ripple Fang)

Inspired by friend and bandmate Ahamefule J. Oluo’s autobiographical concert "Now I’m Fine" (which ran at On the Boards in 2014), Flory-Barnes began to think about what his own musical memoir would look like. He knew right away he wanted it to have the vibe of a swingin’ 1960s variety show. “I love that era,” Flory-Barnes says. “I love the way people talked, the style. I got deeply into Dean Martin early in college after watching [the 1996 Vince Vaughn movie] 'Swingers.' I bought his albums and attempted to imitate that style.”


  1. Cool stuff, pal. Dino’s styles will ALWAYS be relevant. Musical, actin’, stage performin’ & even fashion. Class never gets old.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, the cool that is cooler then cool...Dino-cool just gets cooler 'n cooler 'n cooler. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!
