Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Dean Martin might be the most-loved vocalist on this list.

Tony Leodora
Hey pallies, likes if we asked all youse sold-out-to-Dinohiles. likes which American male singer possessed the greatest musical voice, we keenly knows that without a doubt youse woulda all awesomely agree that there is only one answer to that quire and it woulda be our most most beloved Dino!

Well we gotta 'fess up that that was not the decisive decision of one Mr. Tony Leodora in his prose tagged, "Leodora: Time for the debate of top male voices" recently published  in the on-line presence of Philadelphia's "The Times Herald." Mr. Leodora "is president of TL Golf Services, host of the weekly GolfTalk Live radio show on WNTP 990-AM and host of the Traveling Golfer television show — as well as editor of GolfStyles magazine. He is former sports editor of The Times Herald."

In Tony's top ten list of male vocalists our Dino is ranked fourth..behind Mr. Frank Sinatra, Mr. Tony Bennett, and Mr. Nat King Cole. While youse will get no argument fro us that Sinatra, Bennett and Cole had amazin' vocal abilities, we, of course believe with our whole hearts that no one, and we means no one is a greater vocalist that our one, our only Dino.  So, likes we totally totally disagree with Mr. Leodora's rankin'.  BUT, we do absolutely agree with this stunnin' statement that he makes 'bout our King of Cool:  "Dean Martin might be the most-loved vocalist on this list."  Indeed each and every Dino-day here at ilovedinomartin we share extraordinary example after extraordinary example of just how beautifully beloved our Dino is.

So, while we proudly protest our Dino's rankin' in the top ten list, we couldn't 'gree more with Mr. Leodora's sweet sentiment that our Dino is the most beloved vocalist of all time.   We thank Leodora for his wise words on deeper then deep devotion to our Dino and extends our appreciato to the pallies at "The Times Herald" for puttin' Leodora's scribin's into print.  To checks this out in it's original source and to read it in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Leodora: Time for the debate of top male voices
By Tony Leodora, The Times Herald

4. Dean Martin – The pride of Steubenville, Ohio, Dean Martin might be the most-loved vocalist on this list. Incredibly handsome, he certainly was a favorite with his large female audience. And the fact that he sang so many love songs didn’t hurt his appeal. His classic crooning voice added to the appeal of songs such as “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime,” “Return to Me,” “Innamorata” and “That’s Amore.”


  1. Well...Seems Leodora has the peckin’ order wrong, but...a Dino fan is a Dino-fan!

  2. we, of course believe with our whole hearts that no one, and we means no one is a greater vocalist that our one, our only Dino


    Really, nobody else can compare. Our Dino had such a unique velvet baritone.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, exactly, but Leodora comes closer in namin' or Dino "the most-loved vocalist on this list." All us Dino-holics knows that no one is more beloved then our King of Cool! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, likes, of course, we are on the same Dino-page and our mission is to get everyone else in the Dino-universe on that Dino-page! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved DINO!
