Sunday, March 18, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "So Long, Baby"

Hello there, pallies!

OK, now...follow 'long...sung to the tune of "So Long, Baby" by Dean Martin.


Here we go!

"So long... Winter...Youse better go now...So long...Winter...We's hads 'nough now!"

Hey pals...that was pretty damn good!

Man o man...we's is croonin'!

Youse thinks Ol' Man Winter gets the bloody hint?! Hahaha!!!

Yea, mi amici...I is hopin' so.

We here in good ol' New England has been catchin' a snowy "beat down" these last couple weeks.

Hey...don't gets me wrong...we's can take it, pallies!

But...seein' how this IS the LAST Sunday Serenade with Dino of Winter 2017-18...I am ready to say "See ya'!", to snow & "Hi ya'!", to some sunny Springtime days!

Well, my friends...It was a GREAT GREAT season!

We had lots of laughs & plenty of fun fun wintery times!

From Christmassy Happy New Years 28 Cool Cool & totally Romantico days of Dino-Amore Month!
Yes, pals...I loved every Dino-minute! we leave these GREAT times behind...let us 'member the fun...'member the laughs...& 'member ALL the blessins' our ONE & ONLY Dino has shared!

Now...that bein' said...let's get ready for Spring...Only 2 days to go... & get back to the Dino-croonin'!


"So long...Winter...Youse better go now.
So long...Winter...We's hads 'nough now!"

(So long baby so long)
So long baby you better go now
So long baby I guess I know now
Well you didn't care for me the way I cared for you
Yeah you took my lovin' heart and broke it in two
So long baby let's say goodbye now
So long baby I better cry now
All I can tell you even though I might be wrong now
So long baby so long
Well you didn't care for me the way I care for you
Yeah you took my lovin' heart and broke it in two
So long baby let's say goodbye now...
Cause so long baby so long
Cause so long baby goodbye


  1. When I saw the title of the song So Long Baby I had a feeling you mite try and sneak in winter there and I was rite. lol. March seems to be moving along fast and it won't be too much longer before April is here along with warmer weather. I hope for your sake most of the winter weather is being you. A great Dean Martin song as always Danny G., and I think perfect for this time of the year!

    Have a great week.


  2. Haha!! Thanks pal! You know me well! Have a great week, Scott!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we continue to be incredibly impressed with the incredible inspiration you offer weekly in the name of our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our great great man!

  4. Thanks DMP my pal! The pleasure is all mine & the credit is all Dino’s!
