Sunday, March 04, 2018

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'm Not The Marrying Kind"

Hey pals!

Welcome back & welcome to March!

We's is gettin' SO SO close to Spring!

I cants' hardly contain myself, pallies!

To me...Spring is the BESTEST time of the year!

Birds singin'!
Blue skies shinin'!
Grass & flowers startin' their sproutin'!

Man! I cants' think of a better time to be alive, my friends!

Now...mi Dino-diggin' amici...who comes to mind...with all these WON DER FUL thoughts...more than our pal amongst pals, Dino?!

I say Dean & Spring go hand in hand...just like the birds & the buzzy little bees!

Yup, this is a VERY special time, pals.

I thinks I will pick one of my own personal FAVES to get this Pre-Spring vibe, vibin'!

Dino's TRUE signature my humble opinion.

"I'm Not the Marrying KInd" is just PURE PURE fun & fancy-free Dean!

The way I always want him to be!

The way our guy was MEANT to be, pals.

I've said it once & I will say it 'gain...Youse Can't Tame What Was Meant To Be Wild!

Let's sit back & let our pallie do what he does best.
Just be Dino.

Ok, my friends.
We is gettin' closer every Dino-day!
16 days to be exact!
And I don't care WHAT Ol' Mother Nature sends our way...this is our season, pallies!

Ours & Dino's!

Snow or rain...Sun or clouds...this is our new yearly beginnin' & that's what REALLY counts!
It's a state of mind!

Hit it Dino!


I go my way alone free and easy like a rollin' stone
I am strictly on my own not the marryin' kind
I'm happy bein' free no girls gonna put a rain on me
It's always gotta be I'm not the marryin' kind
I've been known to run a mile when they try to lead me down the aisle
So if you want me to stay a while don't start changin' my style
It's always been my plan to stay single any way I can
I'm just a happy man  not the marryin' kind
Not the marryin' kind
It's always been my plan...
Not the marryin' kind I'm not the marryin' kind
(Not the marryin' not the marryin' not the marryin' kind)


  1. Hey pallie, likes Spring always brings remarkable renewal to the earth and our Dino is always renewin' our spirits each and every Dino-day! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!

  2. AB SO LUTE LY, pal! Bestest time to renew our Dino-devotion!

  3. Spring is always a wonderful time of course, esp up in New England after the winter you have had not to mention this past weeks storm that has brought everything with it Mother Nature could throw at you. Hopefully you made out well Danny G. A great sounding Dean song as always Danny G., at least Dean gives us all hope for a better day tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful week.


  4. Youse speaks pure Dino-truth pallie! There is ALWAYS hope in Dino! The storm didn’t affect Worcester really. Thank God! Things is good, pal!

  5. Another great Dino tune! Thanks, Danny G.
