Thursday, March 29, 2018

Also On This Day In Dino-history: March 29, 1973

 Hey pallies, likes  the month of March was a the month for our most beloved Dino to officially break the ties with two of his wives.   As reported a few days 'go, it was on March 23, 1949 that our Dino legally finished his marriage with wife numero uno, Elizabeth Anne McDonald.  And, today is the anniversary of his legal partin' of the ways with wife numero duo.  It was on  March 29 in 1973 that our great man officially ended his marriage to Jeanne Biegger.

Dino has originally sought the divorce from Jeanne after he met, while playin' in 'Vegas baby 'Vegas, 21 year old Miss Gail Renshaw. Our most beloved Dino was stunnin'ly 'n swankly smitten by Renshaw, then servin' as Miss USA.

After 'bout six months that amore cooled, and at the point that our Dino's divorce was finalized, Miss Catherine Mae Hawn, a 24 year old beauty parlor receptionist was waitin' in the wings.  Dino met Miss Hawn while makin' the scene clubbin' at that swankest of swank spot, The Candy Store Discotheque.   Our Dino was engaged to Miss Hawn, who would become the third  Mrs. Dean Martin less then a month after our Dino's divorce was finalized from Jeanne.

Likes we truly does find it so interestin' that on the same day of the month of March, but 20 years apart our Dino's richly romantically crooned "Return To Me" in 1953 and then in 1973 legally made it clear that  he was not returnin' to Jeanne.   Likes it is always, always so great to remind ourselves of all these important dates in the life and times of our most most beloved Dino!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

March 29, 1973  Divorce with Jeanne Biegger is final


  1. I think this was a transitional time for Dino. Mid life Just needed to change his life. Probably felt trapped in a way. Needed to get back to bein’ Himself! I think we all go through this as we get older. Some act on it. Some just keep it inside. Dean wasn’t the type to hold back at this age. I also think that he never stopped lovin’ Jeanne. Just needed some time to be free. Important date in Dino’s life. Thanks for sharin’, DMP.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we awesomely 'gree with "Dean wasn't the type to hold back at this age." More and more our Dino's personal life style extraordinarily emulated his stage persona....cooler, hipper, and randier then ever! Keeps lovin', learnin', 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
