Monday, February 05, 2018

Rocks In The Attic #661: Dean Martin – ‘French Style’ (1962)

Hey pallies, likes as we begin a new week of Dino-amore month here at our humble little Dino-pad,  we are deeply deeply delighted to introduce all youse Dino-philes to yet  'nother new-to-ilovedinomartin musical blog, "Welcome To Vinyl Stylus" we share "Rocks In The Attic #661: Dean Martin – ‘French Style’ (1962)."  Likes in introducin' readers to their blog, they tell us that "Here, you’ll find Rocks In The Attic – a disc by disc journey through my vinyl collection, without the musty smell that accompanies it in person.  Everything is covered – lots of rock, from the ’50s to the present day, along with soul, punk, dance, electronica, pop, jazz, reggae, soundtracks, comedy records…"

"Dean Martin – ‘French Style" is one of several themed al-b-ums that our Dino put out on the Reprise label in the early sixties, and likes, of course, is chocked full of lovin' croons.  Gotta 'fess up that we deeply deeply digs the fantastically fun fictional Dino-dialogue that this unknown scriber has creatively constructed below between our Dino and his Rat Pack pallies, Mr. Frank Sinatra, Mr. Sammy Davis, Jr., Mr. Peter Lawford, and Mr. Joey Bishop.  And, likes, of course, pallies we greatly grooves on the cover of this al-b-um with our Dino sportin' a beret, with his ever present cigarette in the longish holder....lookin' the extraordinary epitome of cool!

We thanks the coolly creative blogger at "Welcome To Vinyl Stylus" for this potent post....a deeply delightful, wonderful way of showin' absolute amore for our most beloved Dino!  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.  As a little bonus, we share two youtube vids of our Dino croonin' to of the terrific tunes from "Dean Martin – ‘French Style," "Le Vie En Rose" and "C’est Magnifique."

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Rocks In The Attic #661: Dean Martin – ‘French Style’ (1962)

 It is 1962. In the conference room of Reprise Records, Hollywood, California, we find the label’s founder, Frank Sinatra, discussing Reprise’s release schedule with various members of the Rat Pack.

Frank Sinatra: Okay boys, what are we going to put out next for Deano? It’ll need to be something good.

Dean Martin: Let’s just do what we always do, Frank. I can record some numbers with the band. Joe Public will lap it up.

Sinatra: That ain’t gonna cut it, Deano. The kids need something new, something different.

Sammy Davis, Jr: What if he does a country record, Frank?

Martin: Yeah Frank, what about country? I love Country!

Sinatra: No, not classy enough. No record label of mine is going to release hillbilly music.

Peter Lawford: What about rock and roll, Frank? The kids go crazy for that stuff. Look what it did for Elvis!

Martin: Yeah Frank, what about rock and roll? I love rock and roll!

Sinatra: No, not classy enough. Presley’s a degenerate. All it got him was a stint in the army. What’s the point of making records if it’s just going to get you shot.


Joey Bishop: What about the blues, Frank? Joe Public’d freak out for a blues record.

Martin: Yeah Frank, what about the blues? I love the blues!

Sinatra: No, not classy enough. He’s Italian-American; he ain’t no half-blind ni…

Davis, Jr: [clears throat]

Sinatra: …er, I mean, he’s not right for that audience. C’mon, there must be something we’re missing…

The room falls into a hush, as they look to the ceiling for inspiration.

Sinatra: …something new…something different…something with a certain…je nes sais quoi…

Martin: [looks at Sinatra and raises an eyebrow]

Hit: Le Vie En Rose

Hidden Gem: C’est Magnifique


  1. Haha!! Fun postin', pallie! I also digs the way the scriber plays with the "Rat Pack patter". Great Dino-jams of Amore, too!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, it is truly truly such a "Kick In The Head," the many marvelous and varied ways that pallies use there terrific talents to hugely homage our one, our only DINO!
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!
