Friday, February 02, 2018

Dean Martin: The cool seducer

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Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram that youse sees 'bove is tagged "Dean Martin: The cool seducer" seems a fantastically fittin' post as we gets our Dino-amore month off and runnin' on this second day of February.  The scriber of these Dino-centric remarks is a young lady, Miss Josée L. (see image on the left, who hails from Québec, Canada.....and thus more incredible international Dino-devotion is very Dino-day.  Miss Josée scribes her Dino-reflections in French at her blog tagged  "ciné-immortel -Stars d'autrefois, du début du cinéma jusqu'aux années 70........Découvertes et nostalgie!" that is  "immortal cinema - Stars of old, from the beginning of cinema until the 70's ........ Discoveries and nostalgia!"

Likes as we sez, this potent post taggin' our one and only Dino as "the cool seducer" speaks of his lovin' livin' of life.  Miss Josée's prose shares familiar details of our Dino's life and times and highlights our Dino's three Miss Elizabeth (Betty) McDonald, Miss Jeanne Biegger, and Miss Catherine (Cathy) Mae Hawn.......includin' images of each with our Dino.

Truth be told, we did find a number of errors in Dino-details, and we thinks all youse Dino-holics might wanna test your Dino-IQ by searchin' for and sharin' 'em with other Dino-philes here at ilovedinomartin.  We thanks Miss Josée L. for sharin' her thoughts on our Dino with her faithful readership, probably introducin' many for the first time to our magnificant man.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin: The cool seducer

Dean Martin

Dino Crocetti was born June 17, 1917 in Steubenville (Ohio). He lived with his mother, Angela, and his father, Gaetano Crocetti, who was a barber. Dino left school at the age of 13 to work at a gas station, became a boxer under the name of Kid Hook, then a miner, but almost killed in a mining accident. At the age of 17, he was a croupier of a clandestine casino and smuggler of alcohol to finally choose the best way, at 24 years old, singer and comedian of theater.


Dean married Elizabeth McDonald in 1941 and had four children: Stephen Craig (1942), Gail, Claudia (1944) and Deanna (1948). He was a show-man in the cabarets and obviously, this seducer deceived his wife, who left with the children in 1949.

In 1946 he met Jerry Lewis, who was looking for a partner to form a duet. The first evening of show in the nightclubs was a fiasco, but the following, just the opposite.

In 1949, he married Jeanne Bieggers who gave him three children: Dean-Paul (1951), Ricco and Gina. The Lewis-Dean duet was engaged in sixteen comedies: "My friend Irma / My friend Irma" (1949), "My friend Irma goes west / Irma in Hollywood" (1950), "At war with the army / The recalcitrant soldier" , "That's my boy / Boy can not lie (1951)," Sailor beware / The sailors polka "," The Stoodge / The cabotin and his accomplice "," Jumping Jacks / Parachutist despite him "(1952)," Scared stiff / Scare me, "" The Caddy / Love Delights and Golf "(1953)," Living it up / It's not a life, Jerry "," Money from home / A Gallop of the Devil "(1954), "Three ring circus / The clown is king" "Your never too young / A clown at the boarding school" (1955), "Artists and models / Artists and models", "Pardeners / The trouillard of the far west" and "Hollywood or bust / A real crazy movie "(1956).   Exhausted from being Lewis's stooge, he decided to make a career alone in 1956. He sang with the Rat Pack composed of: Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., Peter Lawford, Shirley MacLaine and Joey Bishop and then in solo, where he made hits: "Everybody loves somebody", "In the chapel in the moonlight" and "Gentle on my mind."


Dean shot, finally alone, in other genres of films, including: "The young lions / The ball of the accursed" (1958), Some came running / Like a torrent "," Rio Bravo "," Bells are ringing / Un Thunder Number "," Ocean's Eleven / The Unknown of Las Vegas "(1959)," Who's got the action / The Game gang unknown "," Toys in the attic / The tumult "," Four for Texas / Four of Texas "(1963)," Robin and the Seven Hoods / The Seven Thieves of Chicago "," What a way to go? / Mrs. Croque-maris "," Kiss me stupid / Kiss me silly "(1964), "The sounds of Katie Elder / The four sons of Katie Elder" (1965), "The silencers / Matt Helm, very special agent" and "Texas across the river / Texas, here we are". He had his show "Dean Martin Show".

His wife said in an interview that he was only interested in golf and spoiling children without stopping. Dean got angry and left her threatening to marry a new friend Gail Renshaw, without really thinking it. His wife applied for a divorce in 1966 before he returned.


It turns, among others: "Rough night in Jericho / Violence in Jericho" (1967), "How to save a marriage and ruin your life / Ring finger, rope neck", "Five cards stud / Five cards to shoot "(1968)," Airport / Is there a pilot on the plane? "(1969). He met Cathy Hawn, a hairdresser and mother of a daughter: Sasha whom he married from 1973 to 1976. Dean sank into alcohol and was arrested in a drunken state. He loses his contracts to NBC and his show. In 1982, he will be hospitalized urgently and his ex-wife Jeanne is at his bedside. The couple will return to live together. Their son Dean-Paul, who had become an actor and pilot, died during the crash of his jet in 1987.

Emphysema-stricken since 1991, Dean Martin died on December 25, 1995 in Beverly Hills.

Written and published by Josée on January 26

 Dean Martin: Le séducteur cool

Dino Crocetti est né le 17 Juin 1917 à Steubenville (Ohio). Il vivait avec sa mère, Angela et son père, Gaetano Crocetti qui était barbier. Dino a quitter l’école à l’âge de 13 ans pour travailler dans une station-service, devint boxeur sous le nom de Kid Crochet, puis mineur, mais faillit être tuer lors d’un accident minier. À 17 ans, il fut croupier d’un casino clandestin et contrebandier d’alcool pour enfin choisir la meilleure voie, à 24 ans, chanteur et comédien de théâtre.

 Dean se maria avec Elizabeth McDonald en 1941 et eut 4 enfants: Stephen Craig(1942), Gail, Claudia (1944) et Deanna(1948). Il était show-man dans les cabarets et évidemment, ce séducteur trompa sa femme, qui partit avec les enfants en 1949.

En 1946, il rencontra Jerry Lewis, qui était à la recherche d’un partenaire pour former un duo. Le premier soir de spectacle dans les boîtes de nuits était un fiasco, mais les suivants, tout le contraire.

En 1949, il épousa Jeanne Bieggers qui lui donna 3 enfants: Dean-Paul(1951), Ricco et Gina. Le duo Lewis-Dean fut engagé dans seize comédies:”My friend Irma/Mon amie Irma”(1949), “My friend Irma goes west/Irma à Hollywood”(1950), “At war with the army/Le soldat récalcitrant”, “That’s my boy/Bon sang ne peut mentir(1951), “Sailor beware/La polka des marins”, “The Stoodge/La cabotin et son complice”, “Jumping  Jacks /Parachutiste malgré lui”(1952), “Scared stiff/Fais-moi peur”, “The caddy/Amour délices et golf”(1953), “Living it up/C’est pas une vie, Jerry”, “Money from home/Un galop du diable”(1954), “Three ring circus/Le clown est roi” “Your never too young/Un pitre au pensionnat”(1955), “Artists and models/Artistes et modèles”, “Pardeners/Le trouillard du far west” et “Hollywood or bust/Un vrai cinglé du cinéma”(1956). Épuisé d’être le faire-valoir du cabotin de Lewis, il décide de faire carrière seul, en 1956. Il chantait avec le Rat Pack composé de: Sinatra, Sammy Davis jr., Peter Lawford, Shirley MacLaine et Joey Bishop et ensuite en solo, ou il fit des hits: “Everybody loves somebody”, “In the chapel in the moonlight” et “Gentle on my mind”.

Dean tourna, enfin seul, dans d’autres genres de films, dont: “The young lions/Le bal des maudits”(1958), Some came running/Comme un torrent”, “Rio Bravo”, “Bells are ringing/Un numéro du tonnerre”, “Ocean’s eleven/L’inconnu  de Las Vegas”(1959), “Who’s got the action/L’inconnu du gang des jeux”, “Toys in the attic/Le tumulte”, “Four for Texas/Quatre du Texas”(1963), “Robin and the seven hoods/Les sept voleurs de Chicago”, “What a way to go?/Madame Croque-maris”, “Kiss me stupid/Embrasse-moi idiot”(1964), “The sons of Katie Elder/Les quatre fils de Katie Elder”(1965), ”The silencers/Matt Helm, agent très spécial” et “Texas across the river/Texas, nous voilà”. Il avait son émission de “Dean Martin Show”.

Sa femme ayant  dit, lors d’une entrevue, qu’il ne s’intéressait qu’au golf et qu’à gâter les enfants sans- arrêt. Dean se fâcha et la quitta en menaçant d’épouser une nouvelle amie Gail Renshaw, sans vraiment le penser. Sa femme demanda le divorce, en 1966, avant qu’il ne revienne.

Il tourne, entre-autres: “Rough night in Jericho/Violence à Jéricho”(1967), “How to save a marriage and ruin yoKathyur life/Bague au doigt, corde au cou”, “Five cards stud/Cinq cartes à abattre”(1968), “Airport/Y a-t’il un pilote dans l’avion?”(1969). Il rencontra Cathy Hawn, coiffeuse  et  mère d’une fille: Sasha qu’il maria de 1973 à 1976. Dean sombra dans l’alcool et se fit arrêter en état d’ivresse. Il perd ses contrats à la NBC et son émission. En 1982, il sera hospitalisé d’urgence et son ex-femme Jeanne est à son chevet. Le couple reprendra vie commune. Leur fils Dean-Paul, qui était devenu acteur et pilote, meurt lors de l’écrasement de son jet, en 1987.

Atteint d’emphysème depuis 1991, Dean Martin est mort le 25 Décembre 1995 à Beverly Hills.

Écrit et publié par Josée le 26 janvier


  1. Lotta errors. But her hearts in the right Dino-place!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, yup, buts likes we can become concerned for the throngs of pallies seekin' Dino-truth and when a number of errors occur that can truly be a problemo for buddin' Dino-devotees. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!

  3. Youse is correct, pal. Luckily for all the fledglin’ Dino-enthusiasts out there...there is & DMP! Where one can always find the Dino-truth!

  4. It really is nice to see someone that I have not seen before take a crack at the one and only Dean Martin. One big issue on the net today is people posting the wrong info about ..... well anything and everything. I know I have run into that issue countless times and I now try and fact check everything before I post it but still the errors are everywhere and they do slip by. This has happened to me a few times of late until people pointed out things to me. It really is a big help when things are corrected and the rite info is passed along. Luckily DMP, you know Dean Martin better then anyone I have seen.

    Just like Danny G. said her heart is in the rite Dino-place.

    A great posting DMP, thank you.


  5. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks man for those most encouragin' words, but, truth be told, I am just a beginner likes everybody else when it comes to the life, times, and teachin's of our most most beloved DINO! Thanks for all the potent patter recently show the true meanin' of true Dino-pallie-dom!
