Monday, February 26, 2018

Dance on my funeral to Dean Martin.

Rowan Coleman
Hey pallies, likes we continue to stand in amazin' awe, yes pallies in amazin' awe of the many and varied ways that lovers of our Dino find to use their glorious gift for swank scribin' by incredibly integratin'  our most beloved Dino into such thin's as wonderful works of fantastic fiction.  Likes in doin' our daily Dino-searchin' usin' the Twingly Advanced Blog Search engine we were sent to a German blogger (meanin' international Dino-devotion!) who tags themselves "msmedlock." This female blogger holds forth at the blog, "Tirilu -My life, the books and all the rest."

Likes by the tag of her blog, youse can tell than she has incredible interest in readin' and likes her recent post, "New arrivals in September" shares a number of books that are currently grabbin' her interest.  'mong the books she mentions is one tagged in German, "Zwanzig Zeilen Liebe" by writer Miss Rowan Coleman (pictured 'bove).  "Zwanzig Zeilen Liebe" translates in English as "Twenty lines of love."  By doin' a wee bit of researchin' we discovered that the English language version of the book is titled "The Day We Met."

Well pallies, likes those "Twenty lines of love" include a remarkably reverent reference to our our most most beloved Dino!    Likes below is the quotation that "msmedlock" shares from the tome that 'pon readin' it captured our Dino-attentionado....and deeply deeply moved us within our Dino-heart....."Dance on my funeral to Dean Martin."  Likes, by readin' the thoughts surroundin' these wise words, it is clear that the characte,r who is sayin' 'em to one of their children, is passin' on instructions of what to do after she passes on.  We stand in awe of this intriguin' idea and thinks it coulda be swankly spoken by Dino-holics everywhere.

Just readin' this very sort portion of the book makes us wanna goes out and grabs a copy for our Dino-own.  We thanks "msmedlock" for bringin' this volume to our notice and, likes, of course, Miss Rowan Colman for lovin'ly liftin' up the name of our Dino in her novel. And, we are deeply delighted to be sharin' this durin' our sweetly special month of Dino-amore here at ilovedinomartin! To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image result for dean martin singing

Twenty lines of love - Rowan Coleman

Make sure your father falls in love again. Eat vegetables every day. Do not trust a man with excessive beard. Dance on my funeral to Dean Martin. Night after night Stella is putting this and other lines on paper. But it is not their own thoughts and desires. The hospital nurse writes farewell letters on behalf of her seriously ill patients and hands over their messages after they have passed away. Until she writes a letter, in which she can not lose any time. Because sometimes it is worth fighting: For love. For happiness. For the one moment in life, where the stars in the sky shine a little brighter ...

Sorg dafür, dass dein Vater sich wieder verliebt. Iss jeden Tag Gemüse. Trau keinem Mann mit übermäßigem Bartwuchs. Tanz auf meiner Beerdigung zu Dean Martin. Nacht für Nacht bringt Stella diese und andere Zeilen zu Papier. Doch es sind nicht ihre eigenen Gedanken und Wünsche. Die Hospizschwester schreibt Abschiedsbriefe im Auftrag ihrer schwer kranken Patienten und überreicht deren Nachrichten, nachdem sie verstorben sind. Bis sie einen Brief verfasst, bei dem sie keine Zeit verlieren darf. Denn manchmal lohnt es sich zu kämpfen: Für die Liebe. Für das Glück. Für den einen Moment im Leben, in dem die Sterne am Himmel ein wenig heller leuchten …


  1. Very cool, pal. A letter I think many of us Dino-holics could see ourselves writin’ someday. Hopefully not too soon though! Haha!! Thanks for sharin’ !

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, in our Dino-bo9ok likes youse is right on the Dino-mark with both bits of patter! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!
