Monday, February 19, 2018

Daire O'Hagan Music: I can’t believe this amazing article!

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Hey pallies, welcome back to our humble little Dino-blog as we're goin' down the stretch with our cooler then cool celebratio of Dino-amore month.  Likes last Friday (February 16) we were deeply delighted to once 'gain feature the tremendously talented lovin' laddie from Ireland,  Mr. Daire O'Hagan here on the pages of ilovedinomartin and his amazin' amorin' croon of the Dino-classic "That's Amore" for Valentine's Day at his Facebook music pad.

We lovin'ly left a short message lettin' this delightful Deanager know of our small efforts on his behalf and when we checked back, Daire have graciously gloriously posted words of appreciato for our humble work.   Likes youse can read his kind words below.  O'Hagan also offered a link to the post here at ilovedinomartin and Daire's keen kindness has encouraged nearly 650 pallies, as of this writin', to view it here.  We wanna thanks Mr. Daire O'Hagan for sharin' our post with his fantastic fans leadin' 'em our way and, of course, more importantly we thank Deanager Daire for his deep, pure, and true passion for our most beloved Dino!

We look forward in days ahead to bringin' more of Mr. Daire O'Hagan's marvelous music from the coolest catalog of coolest croons from our King of Cool, our one, our only Dino!  We thank him for bein' an exceedin'ly excellent example of 'nother of today's youth who is bringin' devotion to our Dino to a new generation of Deanagers as well as pallies of all ages and stages.  To check's out Mr. Daire O'Hagan's Facebook music pad, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

I can’t believe this amazing article! If you get a chance take a read of this article ! I was very honoured to be featured again! I would like to thank Dino Martin Peters for this amazing write up!!!🎤🎤🎤☺️☺️☺️


  1. Lovin’ how Daire is helpin’ to lead the Dino-devotion! Good job, bro!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we are totally totally thrilled to hear you swank support for Mr. O'Hagan's Dino-efforts. This Deanager is goin' to go far and we are proudly pleased to be able to do our humble part to energetically encourage his Dino-passion. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!

  3. I have to agree myself, this gentleman has done a wonderful job not only with Dean but other members of the rat pack as well. Not only has be a wonderful voice but it is nice to see the devotion he has displaced to Dean esp from someone so young. Thank you DMP for bringing this gem of a person our way!

    Have a great week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, and likes THANK YOU for your cool comments. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
