Saturday, February 03, 2018

Also On This Day In Dino-history: February 3, 1960

 Image result for dean martin frank sinatra
Hey pallies, likes as promised we have more Dino-history to share this very 3rd day of Dino-amore month 2018.  Likes also on this Dino-date we just learned this mornin' that our Dino's most beloved pallie, Mr. Frank Sinatra launched his own record label, Reprise Records.  Likes how our most beloved Dino figures into this noteworthy news is that very very quickly our Dino moved his music recordin' contract from Capitol Records to Mr. Sinatra's musical pad.

And, likes all us Dino-holics knows, our Dino remarkably recorded a ton of tunes in his awesome al-b-ums from Reprise Records includin' likes, of course, our Dino's hugest hit ever, the 1964 "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."  How totally thrillin' it musta have been to have Mr. Sinatra who loved our Dino more then anyone coulda ever comprehend, be able to work side by side with our Dino on his recordin's.

Likes, we gotta fess up that marvelously memorable day in the life and times of both Mr. Sinatra and our Dino brings back those most lovin' words that Mr. Sinatra spoke after the departure of our Dino from our planet, which we were able to locate to share once 'gain here this very Dino-day:

     ''Dean was my brother - not through blood, but through choice,'' said Frank Sinatra in a written           statement. ''Our friendship has traveled down many roads over the years and there will always be         a special place in my heart and soul for Dean.   ''He has been like the air I breathe - always there,         always close by.''

To lovin'ly commemorate this day, we share with all youse Dino-philes our most beloved Dino's most beloved croon of awesome amore, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime.  btw, we also forget to let all youse pallies know the swank source of this Dino-news, "Remember Radio - "Life In The Past Lane."   We shouts out our terrific thanks for makin' this Dino-date known.  To checks this out there, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Music History: February 3rd:

1960 Frank Sinatra launches the first fully artist-owned label, Reprise Records (pronounced "repreeze"), so he can own his own masters. Some of his cohorts, including Dean Martin and Rosemary Clooney, join the label, which is sold to Warner Brothers in 1963, where it becomes home to a number of famous acts, including Jimi Hendrix, Joni Mitchell and Green Day.


  1. Cool stuff, pallie! Reprise was the birthplace of many many great Dino-tunes! Most of my faves are recorded on Franks swingin’ label! What a cool cool time in the life of our fave guy, Dino!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, for us, so so true as Dino-well. We digs every Dino-croon includin' the classics from Capitol, but the Dino-croons from Reprise are our most beloved Dino at his swingin' swinger best! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our amazin' DINO!

  3. A very important milestone in Dean Martin history and music as a whole. As usual DMP you have me heading to Wikipedia to check out the history of Reprise records and there history, and it is a very rich one indeed. A treasure trove of artists and music and it is still in existence today. One thing that I love is history, my favorite of subjects in school and today too. Thank you DMP once again for a great history lesson.

    Have a wonderful week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks ever so mucho for the extraordinary encouragement through your powerful patter. How cool that posts here at our humble little Dino-pad have encouraged you to do more Dino-research....we stand in awe of your deep deep desire to grow ever deeper in our most beloved DINO! Keeps lovin' 'n researchin' our main man!
