Monday, January 29, 2018

Our Dino's "I Love Vegas" from a Japanese Blog

Dean Martin at the Desert Inn 1970

Hey pallies, likes we've be offerin' up just a ton of incredible international Dino-devotion as of late and we're back 'gain this very Dino day with  Japanese style awesome adulation of our Dino  from the blog "詩人は黙っていられない!".....which translates to "The poet can not stay silent!"  The blog is home to "Fashion designer" Miss Hiroko Naruzawa, who tags herself  "poet, essayist, cook researcher, kimono researcher, writer writer, Rupo writer."

Miss Naruzawa, as you will note below, wrote a post on "Las Vegas" and headed it with a youtube vid of our our one and only Dino croonin' his version of  "I Love Vegas," based on the tune for "I Love Paris."  We are coolly certain that we have shared this Dino-melody with all youse Dino-holics  more then once in the past 'cause it is as cool, hip, and randy as our one and only Dino, but, likes for Dino-sure,  we ain't ever shared it bein' accentin' in International style, especially Japanese style!

While we usually translate the post to English as well as providin' the native tongue of the scriber, we have chosen to only share with you the original in Japanese 'cause we absolutely digs seein' our most most beloved Dino 'long side this most interestin' language...provin' once 'gain that the deepest of deep devotion to our Dino knows no bounds!

We thanks Miss Hiroko Naruzawa for spreadin' such Dino-adulation at her blog and certainly drawin' many of her readers into the Dino-fold in a much deeper way!  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  And, likes right below are the lyrics for our Dino's amorin' 'Vegas croon....

"I Love Vegas" Lyrics

Dean Martin

Drink to me only....that's all I ask.
And I will drink to you.
I don't care if the sun don't shine.
I do my drinking in the evening time.
When I'm in Las Vegas.
You can sit in the sun and camp.
I get my color from a sun ray lamp.
When I'm in Las Vegas.

I love the laughs, I love the life, there's fun of every kind.
Next time I come I'll bring my wife, I'll do that if I lose my mind.
A wife in Vegas take my advice,

It's like going to China with a sack of rice.
But I love Las Vegas.

I love Vegas in the summer.
mmmmmm I love Vegas in the fall.
I love Vegas, when I say that it's a gasser.
I love Vegas like it's Egypt and I'm Nasser
I, I love Vegas every moment,
It's my favorite atmosphere
Oh I, I love Vegas,
Why oh why do I love Vegas?
Because my money's here.

I love Vegas when I'm winning,
mmmmmm I love it when I lose.
I love Vegas, like the army loves it's manuals.
I love Vegas, like Sinatra loves Jack Daniels.
I, I love Vegas every moment.

For Mr. Entratter I must cheer.
Oh I, I love Vegas,
Ich liebe do I love Vegas.
Because my blood is here.

I love Vegas when I'm loaded,
I love it when I am not.
I love Vegas, just like Kruschev loves being indignant,
More than even my wife Jeannie loves being pregnant.

I, I love Vegas every moment,
When I leave I shed a tear.
Oh I, I love Vegas,
Jesus Christ do I love Vegas.
I'll make it, make it good and clear,
It's girl's right here.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters


 日本の競輪や競馬は、ホテルの完備がございませんでしょう? ホテルの中で遊ぶ、というか、もはや、ホテル街ですわねえ、そんなコンパクトな範囲で羽目をはずす、それも、ホテルのランクで、お客も違う~~~、そんな街です。他は、田舎よ。アメリカは広いもの。まわりにお金持ちのプール付きの豪邸があっても、早い話が、砂漠の中で、断水になった日にゃ、皆様、どうなさるのかしら。エコじゃないわね~~~~~~。




  1. Haha!! The universal wit of our Dino! A man of many tongues himself. He could break through any possible language barrier with a simple wink of his eye, I’d say.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we gotta 'fess up that we beautifully believes that your purely poetically powerfull patter gets wonderfully wiser by the day, likes this Dino-truth.."He could break through any possible language barrier with a simple wink of his eye, I’d say." Swankly swankly stated dude! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our amazin'ly awesome DINO!
