Thursday, January 11, 2018

On This Day In Dino-history: January 11, 1966

Hey pallies, likes we always loves the swank surprises sent our way by our greatest of great pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search.  Likes we incredibly indebted to 'em for providin' a superior search engine that keeps us up to Dino-date on all the blog postin's that awesome accent our most most beloved Dino.

Just now as we were doin' our daily Dino-duty...truly truly our Dino-pleasure, we were lovin'ly lead to one of our favorite pallie's pad, " The Olde Disc Jockey's Almanac - Celebrity Birthdays, This Day In History, Number One songs on this day, little known facts, and more, for the media professional and anyone else who finds these things useful, entertaining and interesting." There our ever faithful to sharin'   important Dino-dates pallie, Mr. Bob Dearborn, reminded us that it was on this date, January 11 in the year of our Dino that his cool croon, "Somewhere There's A Someone" was recorded.

This gives us the obvious opportunity to share a youtube vid of our most beloved Dino croonin' this terrific tune on the Dino-show.  Likes this is one of the sweet selections on that classic Dino-DVD tagged "That's Amore" and we deeply digs how mucho fantastic fun our Dino has singin' this song....with his laid back nature simply sittin' down and listenin' to the background vocals and then makin' funny with pretendin' that he ain't sure when to come back in with his virtuoso voice.  Truly this cool croon is a excellent example of our Dino, cool, hip, and ever randy!

We once 'gain sez our thank you very much to our Dino-date remindin' pallie Mr. Bob Dearborn for once more puttin' us on to yet 'nother delightful date in the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino!  To checks this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

 January 11, 1966…Dean Martin recorded "Somewhere There's A Someone."

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