Saturday, January 06, 2018


Hey pallies, with a new Dino-year 'pon us we continue to share noteworthy news of deeply delightful Dino-treasure comin' our way early in the year of our Dino 2018.  Likes we are perfectly pleased to inform all youse Dino-holics that on Feburary 6, the pallies at Mill Creek Entertainment are releasin's what they are taggin' the 'MARTIN AND LEWIS GIFT SET.  It's a six---count 'em---six DVD set that runs over 29 hours!

The set will include 28 episodes of the Colgate Comedy Hour starrin' our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  In addition this swank set will include 2 feature length flicks starrin' our Dino (Who Was That Lady? and How To Save A Marriage and Ruin Your Life).  In addition there will be 3 feature length flicks starrin' Mr. Lewis (Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River, Hook Line and Sinker and 3 on a Couch).

All of this vid material has been released before, and the quire that is bein' raised by Dino-holics is, "Will this new set of Martin and Lewis contain 'full episodes' of the Colgate Comedy Hour, or will they be edited versions as has been so often released in the past."  It seems unlikely that they will be the full episodes, but time will tell.  The five feature length vids will probably all run near 2 hours a piece leavin' only 'bout 20  hours for the 28 episodes of the Colgate Comedy Hour.

Retailin' at $29.98, the only site we have found so far takin' orders is Amazon where the set will sell for 17.62.  To checks it out at Amazon, simply clicks  HERE.  And, to check out this newest Dino-treasure at Mill Creek Entertainment, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Martin and Lewis Gift Set

Program Details
Starring:Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis
Run Time:29 Hours 18 Minutes
Region Code:Region 1
Street Date:02-06-2018

The Best of Martin and Lewis

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis - the crooner and the clown. They were the best-known comedy duo of their day. When they performed, whether on stage, television, or in the movies, the sky was the limit and the laughter was endless.

This premium collection includes some of the finest film and television performances of this pair of comedians including:

28 episodes from the Colgate Comedy Hour

3 feature films starring Jerry Lewis:

Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River
Hook Line and Sinker
3 on a Couch

2 feature films starring Dean Martin:

Who Was That Lady?
How To Save A Marriage and Ruin Your Life


  1. What a great find DMP, I must say this sounds like a very impressive collection and the price seems very reasonable esp on Amazon. Thank you my friend for sharing this treasure with all the faithful DM fans.

    I hope you are doing good this first week in January and have a great week my friend.


  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks you very much Scotty-o. Happy New Dino-year to you, and yes, this seems like like a steal of a Dino-deal! Keeps lovin' our most beloved DINO!
