Thursday, January 25, 2018

Dean Martin’s voice here is smooth as silk singing one of one of our favorite songs of all time!

Hey pallies, likes we loves findin' deep deep Dino-adulation here, there, and everywhere! on the 'net.
Today we gets to visit with Miss Rose Heichelbech who has sweetly scribed her awesome appreciato of our most beloved Dino at  "DUSTY OLD THING," a blog dedicated to "Music, Nostalgia, &TV."
Miss Heichelbech's Dino-centric post, "Dean Martin’s Version Of This Classic Will Have You Singing Along Just Like The Old Days" hugely highlight's one of our Dino's cooler then cool croon, "King Of The Road.

The post is sorta short in length, but what it lacks in length is made up for by bein'  chocked full of sweet sweet sentiments of our Dino.  Likes we knew from the topic sentence that we have also used as the tag of this Dino-gram that Miss Rose is sweetly smitten by our Dino, which brings such happiness to our Dino-hearts.

Likes we knows that we have shared this particular youtube vid of our Dino has such such fun singin' "King Of The Road," but we never ever tire of seein' it for ourselves and sharin' with all youse Dino-philes as well!  We thanks Miss Rose Heichelbech and all the pallies at "DUSTY OLD THING" for this radiant reflection of our King of Cool's great croonin' ability in sharin' "King Of The Road.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin’s Version Of This Classic Will Have You Singing Along Just Like The Old Days

Rose Heichelbech

Dean Martin’s voice here is smooth as silk singing one of one of our favorite songs of all time! This 1965 sing-along classic was written and originally performed by Roger Miller. An old-fashioned hobo song, “King of the Road” has since been sung by many famous performers, but Dino here takes the cake. His mellow and chipper delivery of this always-delightful song during the benefit concert, The Frank Sinatra Spectacular, happened only months before Martin would get his own TV show. The Rat Pack was together for this event, but Martin shines solo for this song even while being teased mercilessly towards the end of the performance! Dean Martin always was a class act and this performance only hits that fact right home. Have another look at one of the best performances of this song ever filmed.


  1. What more is there to say, pal?! Rose hit the Dino-nail right on the head! Great post for a GREAT vid!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, nothin' pallie nothin' for Dino-sure! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
