Tuesday, December 05, 2017

This Dean Martin album cover looks like the distracted boyfriend meme

Hey pallies, likes welcome back to 'nother Dino-wintery post on Day 5 of Dino-winter-time  here at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave.  Today we visit with blog "LOL SNAPS" where the "staff" has had some fine fun with our Dino's potently provocative al-b-um cover for his 1959 Capitol Records release "A Winter Romance" in the post tagged "This Dean Martin album cover looks like the distracted boyfriend meme."

Likes pallies, this is 'nother extraordinary example of our Dino bein' "the man before his time" as this coolest of cool cover has extremely evocative poses of our Dino in lovin' embrace with a chick while his rovin' eyes enjoys the passionate pleasure of 'nother young lovely.  We're guessin' that through the decades this wintery croon collection has been sold, likes a ton of pallies have purchased it not only for our Dino's swank singin' style, but for this fine Dino-art as well!

We thanks the pallies at "LOL SNAPS" for sharin' the pure pleasures of our Dino in this potent post and youse can clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to checks it out in it's original source.  Likes as a special bonus we are sharin' the youtube vid of the entire glorious al-b-um, "A Winter Romance" for your Dino-listenin' pleasure.  btw youse might be interested in Dino-notin' that poster of this vid is a Chinese pallie tagged 托西奇德拉甘, which translates to "Dragan Tosic."  Likes ever more delightful Dino-proof that deep deep devotion to our Dino is incredibly, intriguin'ly international!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

This Dean Martin album cover looks like the distracted boyfriend meme


  1. Hands down...the BESTEST wintery al b um ever known to mankind!!! Just statin’ the facts, mi amici. Ha!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, the Dino-facts ARE THE DINO-FACTS! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
