Sunday, December 31, 2017

Danny G's Happy Dino-Year 2018 Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Winter Romance"

Wooooo Hoooooo!!!

Happy Dino-Year 2018!!! will be. In a few hours. Haha!!

Man o man...what a whirlwind it's been, pals!!! I'm not even sure what DAY it is...never mind the year! Hahaha!!!

Thins' have been so so crazy durin' these last few Mondays seem like Fridays & Wednesdays are like Saturdays!!!
Hopes I'm not writin' Danny G's THURSDAY Serenade with Dino!!! Haha!!

Not that that would be a bad thin', either!

Matter o' fact...might be a GREAT idea!!! Haha!!!
Anyway...we made it!

Dean lead us through the thick & thin of 2017.

Some good...some not so great.

But guess what, mi amici!
It's time to start fresh!!! friends...I'm POS I TIVE Dino will help swing us into the BEST year yet!

Now pals...I'm SURE I've shared my crazy little New Years tradition with all youse cool cool Dino-philes before.'s just one of those VERY special little thins' that I loves sharin' with all my fellow Dino-holics. it is, again.

Actually this was somethin' my Nanna G. would do with my bro & I on New Years Eve, while Mom & Pop were out dancin' & celebratin'.

Soon as the BALL soon as Midnight struck...she would lead us to the front door... & open it up...lettin' the old year out...& the new year in! Haha!  

We got such a KICK outta this yearly routine as kids, that I STILL do it to this very day with my mini Dino-holics! Haha!

Nanna was such a SWEET & FUN lady!
 My earliest memories of Dean were actually with her & I wathchin' Martin & Lewis flicks in her parlor.
Yes sir pallies...that's where it ALL began!

I knew there & then...that I was a tried & true Dino-holic! Ha!

Ok, pals...let's get the very last Sunday Serenade of 2017 spinnin'!

What do youse say we bid farewell to the old year & say "Hey there, pallie" to 2018...with a little "Winter Romance"?
I think it's PERFECTO to ease us into a new wintery well as a COOL COOL NEW YEAR!

Well, mi amici...let's ALL thinks of the message Nanna G. was tryin' to instill in our young minds. 
Let your old worries go...leave them in the past...And enjoy life from today goin forward!

Dean spreads the same vibe to me now & EVERYDAY!

Let's make this a GREAT year pallies!

Dino's at our side & he's leadin' the way!

OK ol' pals o' mine...turn it up & raise a glass to the good times to come!

Salute & Happy New Year!!!

I never will forget the station where we met
You dropped your skis, a happy circumstance
No one would have guessed we had started
Started a winter romance
And all the way to Maine, on that enchanted train
The passing scenery didn't get a glance
We held hands completely, light hearted
Off to a winter romance
We danced that night, by candle light
The world was white with snow
The way we felt, we never felt
The snow could melt and go
But though the snow is gone, the romance lingers on
And those who said it didn't stand a chance
Will know when they see us together
That love's not controlled by the weather
And all of our summers, we'll have our winter romance
Though the snow is gone, the romance lingers on
And those who said it didn't stand a chance
Will know when they see us together
That love's not controlled by the weather
And all of our summers, we'll have our winter romance


  1. Happy New Year to all the Dino-philes who frequent this blog site!

  2. Another year has come and gone once again. I would say 2017 was a pretty good year overall with a few bumps in the road but that is normal of course. We have so much to be thankful of course and with a brand new year here a lot to look forward too. Hopefully it as good if not better then the last one. A wonderful way to bring in the new year Danny G., with a great Dean Martin tune. Thanks once again my friend for all that you do.

    Have a great first new year week.


  3. Same to you, pal! Salute to all!

  4. Happy New Year to all Dino-zens at the blog! Here's to a happy and prosperous, and safe 2018!

    2017 was a rough year among Dino-zens, lost too many people in and around the Dean Martin family.

    Hope we have a great Dino year!
