Monday, November 27, 2017

But only Dino can be Dino.

Sheila O'Malley
Hey pallies, likes we are pleased as punch that our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search sent us to visit once 'gain with Miss Shelia O'Malley who holds forth at her beautiful blog,"the Shelia Variations."  Likes over the course of time we have shared a number of deeply delightful Dino-devotionals from Miss O'Malley which you can find  HERE,  HERE,  HERE,  and HERE.  Likes all youse have to do is read a few of Shelia's wonderfully wise words on our most beloved Dino to know that she has awesome adulation for our King of Cool, and her most recent Dino-devotion that we share below is yet 'nother swank scribin' of her amazin' appreciato for our Dino.  We are coolly certain that Miss O'Malley woulda joints in GIVIN' DINO THANKS as she speakin' so lovin'ly of our great great man in her heartfelt Dino-thoughts below.

Likes the post is tagged "Autumnal iPod Shuffle and contains a ton of tunes that Miss O'Malley is currently listenin' to on her iPod.  As youse will read below, Shelia has chosen one of our Dino's coolest classical croons, “You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You” to listen to.  In five beautifully brief lines of Dino-prose, we are invited to share Shelia's powerful passion for our Dino and his supreme singin' ability....her terrific toughts bring the biggest of big Dino-buddha-grins to our face!

For your Dino-viewin' and listenin' pleasure we share a youtube vid of our Dino croonin' this marvelous masterpiece from the Dino-show.  We shouts out our deep delight in bein' able to feature Miss Shelia O'Malley and her deep deep devotion to our Dino here at our humble little ilovedinomartin blog pad.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We Remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

“You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You” – Dean Martin. Essential. It’s the kind of thing that seems so easy. Everything seemed easy to Dean Martin. And … it WAS easy. FOR HIM. But this kind of ease is as rare as the rarest gem. It’s my opinion that you either have it or you don’t. You can’t LEARN it. You can watch him and study him and perhaps improve your relaxation techniques, your sense of self-confidence, etc. Trying to learn from the master. But only Dino can be Dino.


  1. Miss O’Malley is one smart & cool cool chicalina! She definitely gets Dean & speaks wisely chosen words of wisdom...far beyond her years...of Dino-truth!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, indeed Miss Shelia is deeply deeply devoted to our Dino and positively proud to perfectly proclaim her Dino-adulation many many times at her beautiful blog. Miss Shelia's awesome amore of our Dino is truly a thin' of beauty and makes us all proud to follow in the Dino-way. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!
