Wednesday, November 08, 2017

.....because despite the reputation of womanizer and drunkard, Dean was always a playful...

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we have been most marvelously moved in our inner bein's that so so many of our daily Dino-devotionals have been from Dino-devotees outside of the good ol' USA, speakin' volumes 'bout how awesome adulation of our most beloved Dino knows no geographic bounds, bein' incredibly international in scope!

Likes today we gratefully gives all youse Dino-holics yet 'nother extremely  excellent example of deepest of deep depth of devotion to our Dino from yet 'nother cool culture.  Today we are proudly pleased to take you to the beau-ti-ful blog of a third Brazilian blogger, Mr. Adilson de Carvalho Santos tagged "BlogCineonline - The greatest site in all the land!"  The blog is scribed in Portuguese and Mr. Santos calls Rio De Janeiro home.

We had to put in a little bit of extra effort to find out the name of the blogger and his home territory and when we did we discovered  touchin' thoughts on his reasons for bloggin' on the cinema and the stars.    Likes pallies we were particularly struck by a couple of Santos thoughts..."Because we exchange ideas because we discover the potential that a movie can have in our lives," and " Talking about cinema we re art of these stories, we discovered through the life of stars and stars that our idols were human beings just like us, full of fears, apprehensions, doubts, disappointments."

Is any any wonder that one of Adilson's recent postin's awesomely accents our most most beloved Dino?!?!?!?!?!   That beau-ti-ful blog post is tagged"GALLERY OF STARS: CENTENARY OF DEAN MARTIN."  Adilson, usin' a vast variety of Dino-images and showin' his  wonderful way with words, supremely shares his veritable version of the life, times, and teachin's of our one and only Dino.  We were terrifically thrilled to find him speakin' in such lively lovin' terms 'bout our Dino's cooler then cool career as conquerin' "the entertainment world in the three major mass media (radio, TV and film)."  We are greatly grateful that Adilson chose to awesomely accent with powerful patter 'n pictures our Dino's wonderful flick with Mr. Jerry Lewis, "Artists And Models" and our Dino's four swingin' spy capers as Matt Helm.

And, truth be told pallies, we coulda goes on and on 'bout this extraordinary example of deeply delightful devotion to our Dino, but likes then youse will never ever get to  read it for yourselves.  So, let us just say our amazin'ly awesome appreciation to Mr. Adilson de Carvalho Santos for his eager efforts to spread the Dino-word at his home pad.  Truly truly pallies, this post is so powerfully potent that it will be drawin' many many more pallies into the Dino-fold!  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters



     A beautiful voice and an air of jokers that contrasted with the figure of incorrigible conqueror. So the world has learned to meet Dean Martin, who has conquered the entertainment world in the three major mass media (radio, TV and film), which is why he is one of the few to have three stars on the street of fame, one for each of these in which he was one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century.


                  Dino, as has also become known, can be heard in films such as "Cassino" (1995), "The Good Partners" (1989), TV series such as Friends, House and even fashion shows such as "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show "In 2008 showing that the appeal of his seductive voice went beyond his death in 1995. His success was not immediate for this son of Italian immigrants born on June 7, 1917, christened Dino Paulo Crocetti. He had a poor childhood in Steubenville, Ohio speaking only Italian at home with his parents and brother until he was five. When he entered school, he was bullied by the strong Italian accent. Still very young, he worked as a cashier in a casino, a steelworker and a boxer under the nickname of Kid Crochett. Later, already a celebrity made joke saying that only had lost eleven times but that could have made history in the sport. A good joke was something he never missed, because despite the reputation of womanizer and drunkard, Dean was always a playful, tongue-in-cheek. He once said that he saw a wax statue of fellow James Stewart, and emphasized that it "spoke better than the original."



                   This humorous vein, always willing to make a "fuss" of everything was part of the chemistry he demonstrated with Jerry Lewis with whom he teamed for more than ten years. While they were still unknown talents, they met casually in 1945 at the Glass Hat Club in New York, but in separate presentations. Fate intervened so that a year later they would meet again in Atlantic City at the 500 Club when pressured to present something appealing to the public or be dismissed, improvised a series of sketches where Martin tries to sing, but is interrupted by the disasters caused by Lewis. The result was a contagious wave of laughter that led to other performances, arriving at the famous Copacabana Club in New York, and shortly after the legendary "Ed Sullivan Show" on TV.


              Some time later they were in the presence of HaL B.Wallis, a strong Paramount man who hired them to be the Comic relief of My Friend Irma (1949). In the next ten years the duo Martin & Lewis became a box-office champion already starring in 1950's "At War With The Army." The formula of the 16 films they made together was simple: Martin sang, won women while Lewis hovered distilling his scenic histrionics. Of this period, one of the best is "Artists & Models" (Artists & Models) of 1956 directed by the master Frank Tashlin. In it, the roles of the duo are reminiscent of the days when they sought to fit into the showbiz, playing Rick Todd, an unknown painter and Eugene Fullstack, an aspiring children's story writer, the forerunner of nerdy comic book nerds. Curious it was Martin, not Lewis, who liked the genre. Martin's growing dissatisfaction with Lewis's growing control led to misunderstandings and separation from the duo in 1956.

               Although it sold many discs at the time, many detractors pointed to Dean like the less talented half of the pair. His first solo career film "Ten Thousand Bedrooms" of 1957 was not successful. Determined to prove himself a dramatic actor, Dean took on the role of an American soldier in Edward Dymitrik's drama "The Lords of the Lions" (Young Lions) in 1958, sharing the scene with Marlon Brando and Montgomery Cliff. This helped Dean to stand in front of the camera and change his image, to which Martin was more than grateful supporting Cliff in his personal problems. Proving his worth, the actor played the role of a drunken delegate in Howard Hawks' "Where Hell Begins" in 1959, opposite John Wayne.

               Entering the 1960s, Dean Martin outshone the Beatles from the hit charts with the recording of "Everybody Loves Somebody" which became a trademark of him among more than 600 songs he recorded, among them also the ballad "That's Amore" in who uses his Italian-American charm to pack novels. His career gained momentum when he joined Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop forming the "Rat Pack" (nickname that would have been attributed by Lauren Bacall) in presentations throughout Las Vegas in addition to a series of films including "Eleven Men & A Secret" (Ocean's Eleven) of 1960, which would be refaced decades later by Steven Sodenbergh.

              At this stage, Martin popularized his image of womanizer and drunkard, which his son Dean Paul Martin, years later demystified saying that his father only drank apple juice, but he liked to make everyone think it was an alcoholic beverage. Martin made his "The Dean Martin Show" one of the best-viewed programs on American TV for ten years and leading a Golden Globe for it. Even if he never got an Oscar nomination, Dean Martin did not seem to care. He sang, told jokes, amused and amused everyone unpretentiously, as in the series of four films he played as secret agent Matt Helm, a parody of 007 where Dean cultivated the persona he had created for his audience. This did not know that he was a loyal friend, having disconnected from the production of "Something Gotta Give" after the death of star Marilyn Monroe with whom she would star opposite. He also gave up a fifth Matt Helm after star Sharon Tate was murdered. Martin disguised his sensitivity and maintained a relatively quiet routine whenever he could, leaving his presentations early to play golf the next day or spending as much time as possible beside his children like a loving father who was to his children, four of the first wedding with Betty McDonald and three of the wedding with Jeanne Biegger. From her third marriage to Catherine Hawn she adopted her daughter during the three years they were together until 1976.  
               In the 70s he made peace with Jerry Lewis appearing by surprise on the Telethon presented by his former companion, all through Frank Sinatra. Another great success was his pilot role in "Airport" (Airport) 1970, which began the cycle of catastrophic films. The tragedy struck the artist when his son Dean Paul Martin, then 36, died in an air disaster. For those who knew Dean Martin personally, it was said that on that day he too died. He retired from public life, isolated himself, plunging into drunkenness and smoking. It was reported that it was as if he had given up living because even when he was diagnosed with Cancer in 1993 he refused to undergo surgery that would prolong his life, making his way on Christmas Eve 1995.

Uma belíssima voz e um ar de gozador que contrastava com  a figura de incorrigível conquistador. Assim o mundo aprendeu a conhecer Dean Martin, que conquistou o mundo do entretenimento nos três principais veículos de massa (rádio, Tv e cinema), razão pela qual é um dos poucos a ter três estrelas na calçada da fama, uma para cada uma destas  em que se sagrou um dos maiores artistas do século XX.

 Dino, como também ficou conhecido, pode ser ouvido em filmes como “Cassino” (1995), “Os Bons Companheiros” (1989), em séries de TV como Friends, House e até em desfiles de moda como o “Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show” em 2008 mostrando que o apelo de sua voz sedutora foi além de sua morte em 1995. Seu sucesso não foi imediato para esse filho de imigrantes italianos nascido em 7 de junho de 1917, batizado Dino Paulo Crocetti. Teve uma infância pobre em Steubenville, Ohio falando apenas italiano em casa com os pais e o irmão até os 5 anos. Quando entrou para a escola, sofreu bullying pelo forte sotaque italiano. Ainda muito jovem foi trabalhar como cropier em um cassino, operário na industria do aço e boxeador sob a alcunha de Kid Crochett. Mais tarde, já uma celebridade fez piada dizendo que só perdera onze vezes mas que poderia ter feito história no esporte. Uma boa piada era algo que nunca perdia, pois apesar da fama de mulherengo e beberrão, Dean sempre foi um brincalhão, de língua ferina. Certa vez disse que viu uma estatua de cera do colega James Stewart, e ressaltou que esta “falava melhor do que o original”.
Esta veia humorística, sempre disposto a tirar um “sarro” de tudo foi parte da química que demonstrou com Jerry Lewis com quem fez dupla por mais de dez anos. Quando ainda eram talentos desconhecidos, se encontraram casualmente  em 1945 no Glass Hat Club em Nova York, mas em apresentações separadas. O destino interveio para que um ano depois voltassem a se encontrar em Atlantic City, no 500 Club quando pressionados a apresentar algo atraente ao público ou seriam demitidos, improvisaram uma serie de sketches onde Martin tenta cantar, mas é interrompido pelos desastres causados por Lewis. O resultado foi uma onda contagiante de gargalhadas que levou a outras apresentações, chegando ao famoso Copacabana Club em Nova York, e pouco tempo depois ao lendário “Ed Sullivan Show” na TV.

 Algum tempo depois já estavam diante de HaL B.Wallis, homem forte da Paramount que os contratou para ser o alívio Cômico de “Minha Amiga Irma” (My Friend Irma) de 1949. Nos dez anos seguintes, a dupla Martin & Lewis se tornou um campeão de bilheteria já protagonizando a partir de “O Palhaço do Batalhão” (At War With The Army) de 1950. A formula dos 16 filmes que fizeram juntos era simples: Martin cantava, conquistava as mulheres enquanto Lewis aloprava destilando seu histrionismo cênico. Deste período, um dos melhores é “Artistas & Modelos” (Artists & Models) de 1956 dirigido pelo mestre Frank Tashlin. Nele, os papeis da dupla relembram os dias em que procuravam se encaixar no showbizz, interpretando Rick Todd, um pintor desconhecido e Eugene Fullstack, um aspirante a escritor de histórias infantis, precursor dos nerds fâs de histórias em quadrinhos. Curioso que era Martin, e não Lewis, quem gostava do gênero. A crescente insatisfação de Martin e o controle cada vez maior de Lewis levou a desentendimentos e à separação da dupla em 1956.

 Ainda que vendesse muitos discos na época, muitos detratores apontavam Dean como a metade menos talentosa da dupla. Seu primeiro filme em carreira solo “Dez Mil Alcovas” (Ten Thousand Bedrooms) de 1957 não foi bem sucedido. Determinado a se provar um ator dramático, Dean assumiu o papel de um  soldado americano no drama “Os Deuses Vencidos” (Young Lions) de Edward Dymitrik em 1958, dividindo a cena com Marlon Brando e Montgomery Cliff. Este ajudou Dean a se colocar diante da câmera e mudando sua imagem, ao que Martin foi mais do que grato apoiando Cliff em seus problemas pessoais. Provando de vez seu valor, o ator fez o papel de um delegado bêbado em “Onde Começa o Inferno” (Rio Bravo) de Howard Hawks em 1959, contracenando com John Wayne.

 Entrando a década de 60, Dean Martin desbancou os Beatles das paradas de sucesso com a gravação de “Everybody Loves Somebody” que tornou-se uma marca sua dentre as mais de 600 canções que gravou, entre elas também a balada “That’s Amore” em que usa de seu charme ítalo-americano para embalar romances. Sua carreira ganhou novo impulso quando se juntou a Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, Peter Lawford e Joey Bishop formando o “Rat Pack” (apelido que teria sido atribuído por Lauren Bacall) em apresentações por toda a Las Vegas além de uma série de filmes incluindo “Onze Homens & Um Segredo” (Ocean’s Eleven) de 1960, que seria refilmado décadas depois por Steven Sodenbergh.
Nesta fase, Martin popularizou sua imagem de mulherengo e beberrão, o que seu filho Dean Paul Martin, anos depois desmistificou dizendo que seu pai somente bebia suco de maçã, mas gostava de fazer todos pensarem que era bebida alcoólica. Martin fez de seu “The Dean Martin Show” um dos programas mais bem vistos da TV americana, durante dez anos e levando um Golden Globe por isso. Mesmo que nunca viesse a ter uma indicação ao Oscar, Dean Martin parecia não se importar. Cantava, contava piadas, se divertia e divertia a todos de forma despretensiosa, como na série de quatro filmes que fez no papel do agente secreto Matt Helm, uma parodia de 007 onde Dean cultivava a persona que criara para seu público. Este não sabia que ele era um amigo leal, tendo se desligado da produção de “Something Gotta Give” depois da morte da estrela Marilyn Monroe com quem contracenaria. Também desistiu de um quinto Matt Helm depois que a estrela Sharon Tate foi assassinada. Martin disfarçava sua sensibilidade e mantinha uma rotina relativamente tranquila sempre que podia, saindo cedo de suas apresentações para jogar golf no dia seguinte ou passando o máximo de tempo possível ao lado dos filhos tal qual um pai amoroso que era para seus filhos, quatro do primeiro casamento com Betty McDonald e três do casamento com Jeanne Biegger. De seu terceiro casamento com Catherine Hawn adotou a filha desta durante os três anos em que ficaram juntos até 1976.

 Nos anos 70 fez as pazes com Jerry Lewis aparecendo de surpresa no Telethon apresentado pelo ex companheiro, tudo por intermédio de Frank Sinatra. Outro grande sucesso foi seu papel de piloto em “Aeroporto” (Airport) de 1970, que iniciou o ciclo dos filmes catástrofes. A tragédia se abateu sobre o artista quando seu filho Dean Paul Martin, então com 36 anos, morreu em um desastre aéreo. Para quem conhecia Dean Martin pessoalmente, contava-se que naquele dia ele também morreu. Retirou-se da vida pública, se isolou, mergulhando na bebedeira e no cigarro. Relatava-se que era como se ele tivesse desistido de viver pois mesmo quando foi diagnosticado com Câncer em 1993 se recusou a fazer uma cirurgia que prolongaria sua vida, vindo a fazer sua passagem na noite de Natal de 1995. Triste final para um artista que trazia alegria para tantos e que n os mostrou que todos amam alguém, e todos amamos de fato o artista extraordinário que foi Dean Martin.

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