Tuesday, November 14, 2017

And you suggested Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes we continue with yet  'nother wonderful week of  deep deep Dino-devotion, likes guess what?......more amazin' awesome adulation from 'round the Dino-globe.  Today we goes the the Spanish blog "LA GRAW PANTALLA," which translates to "THE BIG SCREEN."  Likes as youse can probably guess, it's a blog devoted to the cinema and is scribed by Miss Beatriz Clemente Ibanez.

"Clemente," as Ibanez likes to be known as is clearly a deeper then deep devotee of our most beloved Dino's most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis and in the post below tagged "MY DEAR JERRY LEWIS," she reviews Lewis' life, as a tribute on his passin' from our presence earlier this fall.
Well, a huge huge portion of Mr. Lewis' career, and might we add success, was due to his decade long closer then close friendship and powerfully potent partnership with our most most beloved Dino!

So, today we shares with all youse Dino-holics the swanks section of Miss Clemente's post that accents the Martin & Lewis years with prolific prose and incredible images of our Dino and Mr, Lewis.  We loves viewin' the vast variety of cool candids 'long with a number of pixs of some of the original movie posters as well.  It certainly puts us in the mood to one more time watch our two collections of Martin & Lewis DVDs and revel in the marvelous magic that our Dino and Mr. Lewis had on the big screen.

We salute Miss Beatriz Clemente Ibanez, for her efforts to remember Mr. Lewis and share with her readership the greatest comedy duo ever...sure to bring many more to a keen knowin' and extraordinary enjoyment of our one one, our only Dino.  Likes tomorrow, we will share yet 'nother earlier post by Miss Clemente that we discovered that is even more full of great glory to our Dino and Mr. Lewis.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


On July 24, 1946, you went to Atlantic City to perform at Club 500, a gambling den where only comedians and unknown singers performed. You made your number with a pre-recorded sound before two hundred tables and thirty clients. Behind you acted a singer that the owner was thinking of replacing another. And you suggested Dean Martin , who had been introduced to you a short time ago. Dean was called, he went to Atlantic City, you planned a number together and ...

 Well, the rest is history.

 Your tremendous success on stage took you directly to Hollywood, debuting on the big screen, both Dean and you, in 1949 with " Mi amiga Irma ".

You filmed a 16-minute short film that same year: " How to smuggle the hernia across the border ", not released commercially, written by you and by Don McGuire and directed by you, which was played by Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh ... and for you, in a double role: as an American Indian and as an army officer. It was filmed in your home and is considered your first filming as a director. 

 The following year, you returned to give life to Seymour in " My friend Irma goes to the West ", directed this time by Hal Walker and sharing a new poster with Marie Wilson and Dean Martin.

They arrived after you for " The milkman ", along with Donald O'Connor, Jimmy Durante and Piper Laurie ...

... and " At war with the Army ", in the role of Alvin Korwin and once again with Dean Martin.

Already in 1951 you also filmed with Dean " That's my boy " and " The crazy singer " ...

... and in 1952 other titles also with him: " What a pair of sailors! ", " Crazy of the air " ...

... and a brief appearance, along with Dean, in the dream of the character played by Dorothy Lamour in " Camino a Bali ", title starring Bing Crosby and Bob Hope.

1953 came to you with three more movies with Dean Martin: " A legacy of fear ", " What a pair of golfers! " And " The crazy horseman " ... 

. ... and in 1954 you gave life, respectively, to Homer and Jerome in two other films with Dean: " Viviendo su vida " and " El rey del circo ".

You continued in 1955 starring in titles with him: " A fresco in trouble " and " Artists and models " ...

... and in 1956: " Together before the danger " and " Crazy about Anita ", your last film with Dean Martin.


El 24 de julio de 1946 te dirigiste a Atlantic City para actuar en el Club 500, un garito donde sólo actuaban cómicos y cantantes desconocidos. Hiciste tu número con sonido pregrabado ante doscientas mesas y treinta clientes. Detrás de ti actuaba un cantante que el propietario estaba pensando en sustituir por otro. Y tú le sugeriste a Dean Martin, a quien te habían presentado hacía poco tiempo. Dean fue llamado, acudió a Atlantic City, planificasteis un número juntos y...

Bueno, el resto es historia.

Vuestro tremendo éxito en los escenarios os llevó directamente a Hollywood, debutando en la gran pantalla, tanto Dean como tú, en 1949 con "Mi amiga Irma".

Rodaste ese mismo año un cortometraje de 16 minutos: "How to smuggle the hernia across the border", no estrenado comercialmente, escrito por ti y por Don McGuire y dirigido por ti, que era interpretado por Tony Curtis y Janet Leigh... y por ti, en un doble papel: como indio americano y como oficial del ejército. Fue filmado en tu casa y se considera tu primer rodaje como director. 

Al año siguiente, volvías a dar vida a Seymour en "Mi amiga Irma va al Oeste", dirigido esta vez por Hal Walker y compartiendo de nuevo cartel con Marie Wilson y Dean Martin.

Llegaban después para ti "The milkman", junto a Donald O'Connor, Jimmy Durante y Piper Laurie...

... y "At war with the Army", en el papel de Alvin Korwin y una vez más junto a Dean Martin.

Ya en 1951 rodabas también con Dean "Ese es mi chico" y "El cantante loco"...

... y en 1952 otros títulos también con él: "¡Vaya par de marinos!", "Locos del aire"...

... y una brevísima aparición, junto a Dean, en el sueño del personaje interpretado por Dorothy Lamour en "Camino a Bali", título protagonizado por Bing Crosby y Bob Hope.

1953 te llegaba con tres películas más junto a Dean Martin: "Una herencia de miedo", "¡Qué par de golfantes!" y "El jinete loco"... 

... y en 1954 dabas vida, respectivamente, a Homer y a Jerome en otras dos películas junto a Dean: "Viviendo su vida" y "El rey del circo".

Continuabas en 1955 protagonizando títulos con él: "Un fresco en apuros" y "Artistas y modelos"...

... y en 1956: "Juntos ante el peligro" y "Loco por Anita", última película tuya con Dean Martin.


  1. Cool pics & posters! Lot I've never seen. Thanks for all your hard work bringin' this GREAT GREAT Dino-stuff our way, DMP! You are appreciated!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we are, of course, deeply delighted that you have found such Dino-pleasure in posts like these. While all we do is always and only for our Dino, it is still nice on occasion, to have our efforts on behalf of our most most beloved Dino appreciated by his pallies. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
