Sunday, October 15, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In Napoli"

Welcome back, mi amici!

How's my pals?

Hopefully all is well & this week's Serenade is findin' youse in good health.

They say "Health is Wealth"...& man o man...ain't it the truth!
Gotta take care, my friends!

Well pallies...leaves are startin' to fall.
Days have grown shorter.
Thins' is REALLY showin ALL signs of Autumn now! 

So, I believes I've mentioned this before...but besides bein' THE SPOOKIEST & one of the COOLEST months of the year...October also just so happens to be Italiano heritage month!
Yes sir! least that's what we call it here in BEA U TI FUL Massachusetts! Haha! the spirit of ALL the cool cool paisanos , like Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Crocceti...who brought their GREAT GREAT son, Dino, & Italian traditions to America...I decided to celebrate today with a little, "In Napoli"! 

This tune is SO SO pretty & the vid has such BEA U TI FUL pics of  WON DER FUL Italy...not to mention Dean's smooth smooth croonin'.

You can almost taste the vino & foods of "the old country"! Haha!!

Ahhhh...what a place to be. 

So pals, in honor of ALL our Italiano brothers & sisters & ALL our Fall-lovin' Dino-holics...this one's for youse!

Oh & by the way...did I ever mention that my great grandparents came to America from the Abruzzi region of Italy...just like Dino's fam?



Yea...I'm sure I have.
Love throwin' that one out there. Hahaha!!!

I cant resist sharin' that juicy bit of Dino/Danny G. similarity, pals!

Enjoy pallies!   

In Napoli beside the sea
It happened on a night like this
In Napoli our hearts were free
And we surrendered to a kiss
There 'neath the stars I saw heaven in her eyes
There 'neath the stars I knew this was paradise
All through the night in sweet delight
We shared the tenderness of love
But with the dawn my love was gone
Just like the fading stars above
My lonely heart cries out, "Please come back to me"
Beside the sea in dear old Napoli
There 'neath the stars I saw heaven in her eyes
There 'neath the stars I knew this was paradise
All through the night in sweet delight
We shared the tenderness of love
But with the dawn my love was gone
Just like the fading stars above
My lonely heart cries out, "Please come back to me"
Beside the sea in dear old Napoli

1 comment:

  1. Hey pallies, likes Danny-o, you sez, "Oh & by the way...did I ever mention that my great grandparents came to America from the Abruzzi region of Italy...just like Dino's fam?" Likes we never ever remember youse sharin' that deeply delightful detail before, and likes we're almost positive that if you have we'd remembered 'cause this is such a cool cool link to our most most beloved Dino....likes you're kin to the King of Cool! Thanks, as always, for the powerfully potent patter...and the Dino-connect! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!
