Sunday, September 17, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Marina"

Welcome back, my swingin' little Dino-diggin' paisani! Haha!!

Man o man, am I in a mood today!

Don't know why, pals!

Just is!

Hey...that's good 'nough reason for me! Haha!!

We gotta make the BEST outta EVERY DAY, mi amici!
Even the lousy ones.

When life hands us lemons...the hell with the lemonade...squeeze them into a little vodka on the rocks...& throw on some Dino! Haha!!

Yes, mam!

Now THAT'S the start of a COOL COOL day! Hahaha!!!
What's got into me today?!

All's I did was sit down here & get ready to put this week's Serenade together...& BAM!
This CRAZY mood just came rushin' through me, my friends!

My heart started racin' body started vibratin'...& my fingers started typin'!

It's like the spirit of Dean just jumped in me & took control!

Hey, pallies...that's OK with me!

Dino take the wheel! Haha!!

OK OK...let me catch my breath.
Let me regains my composure.
Let me chill-ax, a wee bit!

If I don't get this Serenade goin'...I thinks I'm gonna pop!

I gots an idea!
Think I'll have a little fun with this silly mood I'm feelin'!

  I'm gonna let Dean pick this one, pals!

Yea, youse heard right! 

Gonna put my trust in Dino's big meaty hands...& let him tell me what tune to spin!
He will know exactly what we need!

Gonna just close my eyes & see what jam I clicks on. Ready???!!!

OK, pallies...round & round it goes...where Dino will stop...nobody knows....& POW!!!

Did it!

Oh man o man...PERFECTO!


GREAT tune, my friends!

Fun Fun song with a Cool Cool groove!
I knew Dean would pick a winner!

Well, pals o mine...I'm hopin' this swingin' Dino-pick will stick with youse all week long... & help with ANY lemons that may have rolled your way.

The power of Dean's magic is un-endin'!


The whole wide world is wild about Marina
In Italy they call her La Carina
If you see her you never will forget her
And you can tell the world I'm gonna get her

Marina, Marina, Marina
You're lovely, you're sweet, you're divine
Marina, Marina, Marina
I won't rest until you are mine

All my love is for you
How I do adore you
Oh my darling I emplore you
Please listen to my plea

When we go out dancin'
You are so entrancin'
You've got all the others glancin'
I'm filled with jealousy

((The whole wide world is wild about Marina
In Italy they call her La Carina
If you see her you never will forget her
And you can tell the world I'm gonna get her))

Marina, Marina, Marina
You're lovely, you're sweet, you're divine
Marina, Marina, Marina
I won't rest until you are mine

((All my love is for you
How I do adore you
Oh my darling I emplore you
Please listen to my plea))

My heart caught on fire
You filled me with desire
Now there's one thing I aspire
To hear you say, "Si, Si"

Marina, Marina, Marina
You're lovely, you're sweet, you're divine
Marina, Marina, Marina
I won't rest until you are mine

((Marina, Marina, Marina))
((Marina, Marina, Marina))


  1. I'm glad to hear you are in a great mood today Danny G., and it would seem you managed to channel Dean himself with such a upbeat and great sounding song! With so much going on in peoples lives sometimes it make sense to throw things to the wind and just go for the moment! A wonderful choice as always my friend! Hopefully the good feelings continue through the week.

    Have a great week.


  2. Thanks for the cool cool wishes, my Dino diggin' bro! Gotta keep our chins up, Pal! Let Dino's vibe guide you through! Take care, Scotty!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, you certainly seem Dino-gized while youse was scribin' this week's Dino-jam...youse certainly are on a deep deep Dino-high...and no better high then that for a Dino-holic likes youse! Keeps the Dino-adulation flowin' pallie!
