Monday, September 11, 2017

.....because between the characterizations of Lewis and the solemnity of Martin, laughter was assured.

Ronal Bravo
Hey pallies, likes what a complete challenge and powerful privilege it has been, and likes continues to be, to solemnly share the incredible intriguin' insights of pallies  reverently reflectin' on their marvelously magical memories of growin' up with our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  And, these swank scribin's have poured into the ol world wide web from all over the known Dino-world.

Case in point, likes today we visit with Mr. Ronal Julio Bravo Semprun, citizen of Venezuela, and blog host at "Reflections of Half Day - Reflections of a citizen of the world, an idea to transform humanity."  His his recent personal post simply tagged "JERRY LEWIS AND DEAN MARTIN," Mr. Semprun swankly shares ruminatin' reflections on, as a child on Saturday afternoons "looking for a movie in the only 3 channels, from the American comedy duo Jerry Lewis and singer Dean Martin."

Likes Dino-holics, as you read below, you will sweetly savor Ronal's deep delight in bein' reminded "
 that on Saturdays, it was late afternoons to eat pepitos and to drink sugary soda, seeing these actors, who made me laugh a lot and think again as it was childhood."  How many of us Dino-devotees remarkably resonate with Mr. Semprun on our marvelous memories of spendin' time with our Dino and Mr. Lewis as children.  And, how winsomely wonderful it is 'cause we now have access to the likes of DVDs, that today's youth are once 'gain bein' turned on to our one and only Dino and his partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis!

Today, we are totally totally thrilled to show how our Dino and Mr. Lewis have, and will continue to cooly create memories from pallies all over the Dino-globe, and we sez our special thanks to Mr. Ronal Julio Bravo Semprun for sharin' his own fondest of fond memories of hangin' out with our Dino and Mr. Lewis growin' up in the great country of Venezuela.  To checks this out in it's original  source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Friday, September 8, 2017


Reflections of Half Day (08 -09-2017 )
Time: 5.10 p.m.

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

When I was a kid, I really enjoyed watching TV, especially my Uncle Yihcson's Saturday afternoons to buy groceries and he brought me the popular pepita and the Pepsicola soda, I sat in the afternoon in front of the picture box, I liked to see him but I was looking for a movie in the only 3 channels, from the American comedy duo Jerry Lewis and singer Dean Martin.

He enjoyed it very much as Jerry Lewis got into trouble and Dean Martin rescued him from his difficulty, were very simple situations, loaded with everyday humor, with much wisdom in the smart, did not need to see a nude, or bad words, because between the characterizations of Lewis and the solemnity of Martin, laughter was assured.

It was not a secret that behind the show, the pair Lewis-Martin, did not get along, had personal differences, but what caused the break after 10 years together (1946-56), was the fight of egos among them, Jerry Lewis thought that the show "el" was more important and Dean Martin aspired to consolidate a singing career and so the unstoppable duo, which made millions of people laugh, broke up.

Dean Martin became a famous singer and actor, with great performance with the "Pat Rat", immersed in a depression after the mortal accident of his eldest son and passed away at the age of 78 in 1995.

Jerry Lewis became an icon of American humor, with many movies, television shows and live performances, he died last August 20 at the age of 91.

This recent death of Jerry Lewis reminded me that on Saturdays, it was late afternoons to eat pepitos and to drink sugary soda, seeing these actors, who made me laugh a lot and think again as it was childhood.

Laughter and good memories, always make us look good, regardless of our present.

Are Reflections of Half Day
MSc. Ronal Julio Bravo Semprun
Twitter: @Reflexionesmd
Instagram: Reflections

Maracaibo / Edo.Zulia / Venezuela

Reflexiones de un ciudadano del mundo,una idea para transformar la humanidad.

viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2017


Reflexiones de Medio Día (08-09-2017)
Hora: 5.10 pm

Dean Martin y Jerry Lewis

Cuando era niño disfruta mucho viendo televisión, en especial las tardes de sábados mi tio Yihcson hacia la compra de víveres y me traía el popular pepito y el refresco Pepsicola, me sentaba en la tarde frente a la cajita de imágenes, me gustaba mucho ver el futbol, pero buscaba en los 3 únicos canales siempre alguna película, del dúo norteamericano del humorista Jerry Lewis y el cantante Dean Martin.

Disfrutaba mucho como Jerry Lewis se metía en problemas y Dean Martin lo rescata de su dificultad, eran situaciones muy simples, cargadas de humor cotidiano, con mucha sabiduría en lo inteligente, no hacía falta ver un desnudo, ni malas palabras, porque entre las caracterizaciones de Lewis y la solemnidad de Martin, las risas estaban aseguradas.

No fue un secreto que detrás del show,  la pareja Lewis-Martin, no se llevaba bien, tenían diferencias personales, pero lo que provocó la ruptura después de 10 años juntos (1946-56), fue la lucha de egos entre ellos, Jerry Lewis pensaba que en el show “el” era más importante y Dean Martin aspiraba a consolidar una carrera de cantante y así que el dúo imparable, que hizo reír a millones de personas, se separó.

Dean Martin se consolido un célebre cantante y actor, con gran actuación con los “Pat Rat”, se sumergió en una depresión después del accidente mortal de su hijo  mayor y falleció a los 78 años en el año 1995.

Jerry Lewis se convirtió en un icono del humorismo norteamericano, con gran cantidad de películas, shows de televisión y presentaciones en vivo, el pereció el pasado día 20 de agosto a la edad de 91 años.

Esta reciente muerte de Jerry Lewis, me hizo recordad que los días sábados, eran tardes comer pepitos y tomar refresco azucarado, viendo a estos actores, que me hacían reír mucho y pensar de nuevo como era la niñez.

La risa y los buenos recuerdos, siempre nos hacen poner buena cara, sin importar nuestro presente.

Son Reflexiones de Medio Día
MSc. Ronal Julio Bravo Semprun
Twitter: @Reflexionesmd
Instagran: Reflexionesmd


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