Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Dean Martin - A Hundred Years From Today

The Dean Martin Association
Hey pallies, likes we proudly prepared yesterday's Dino-gram announcin' the recent release of the new Dino-tome, "JUST DINO:  A PERSONAL RECOLLECTION OF DEAN MARTIN" scribed by Mr. Bernard Thorpe, founder of "The Dean Martin Association" finished and posthumously published by his son Mr. Elliot Thorpe.

As we were workin' on that post and addin' the youtube vid clip promotin' this new release, we discovered that "The Dean Martin Association," whose logo is at the top of this post, had coolly created 'nother vid with our Dino croonin' the awesomely appro tune "A Hundred Years From Today."  This vid clip features a ton of delightful  Dino-poses and cool covers from some Dino-al-bums.  We gotta 'fess up that many of the incredible images and awesome al-b-um covers are ones that we ain't ever seen before.

Likes, this is a touchin' 'n tender tribute to our Dino by the pallies at "The Dean Martin Association," and what a completely cool choice of croons of our Dino in this year of the Dino-centennial!  The vid closes with a perfect pix of Mr. Bernard Thorpe surrounded by much of his Dino-treasure.  'Gain we are powerfully pleased here at ilovedinomartin to be able to do our part to promote this newest lovin' literary effort on the life, times and teachin's of our most most beloved Dino, and we shares our heart-felt appreciation to Mr. Thorpe's boypallie Elliot and the pallies at Chinbeard books for seein' this Dino-project to publication.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin - A Hundred Years From Today

A short photo tribute to Dino & Bernard, with Dean singing 'A Hundred Years from Today'...acknowledging that the great man himself would have been 100 years old in 2017!


  1. Great vid & great logo! Can't wait!!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, Elliot Thorpe is goin' all out to get the noteworthy news spread of his daddy-o Bernard's Dino-reflections...we wishes his well in his eager efforts. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, yes...see August 1 post on "JUST DINO......" Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. DMP,
    Apparently, the book is available only in the UK. None of the purchase links are live for me, and the money is expressed in pounds.

    I did make a Dino book purchase yesterday at Amazon:

    Backstage at the Dean Martin Show. I heard about the book at one of the Dino postings at YouTube. Greg Garrison mentioned the book, written by Lee Hale. Good Reads offers this information, with comments.

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, stay tuned for possible news of this new Dino-tome's availability in the ol' USofA...we found a possible source that we will be highlightin' in the near future.
    Congrats on orderin' the "Backstage" that is definitely on our Dino-light of desires as well. Keep lovin' our most beloved Dino!
