Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Dean Martin.... Then I realized that he may have been the coolest guy in the world.

Hey pallies, likes we continue to be profoundly proud and perfectly  pleased to share with all youse Dino-holics each and every lovin' homage of our Dino on the centennial celebration of his descent to earth on June 7, 1917 and each and every post is ultimately unique in swank style and pleasin' presentation of deepest  devotion to our Dino.

Likes today we stop to visit with blogger Mr. Joe Thompson of Pacifica, Cali who presides over the blog tagged "Big V Riot Squad."  Joe's reflections are in what we tend to call the "short and sweet" variety.  But, likes Joe perfectly proves that it is not the length of words scribed that matter so much as the depth of devotion inherent in the writin' of 'em.

As you read Joe's personal thoughts youse will see that true transformation that Joe has had in his awesome adulation of our most most beloved  Dino...from rememberin' our Dino as "as an aging guy with a television variety show I didn't like to watch" to the point of realizin' "that he may have been the coolest guy in the world."

We are totally totally thrilled to be able to share with all youse Dino-philes Mr. Thompson's coolest of cool change of heart in terms of his appreciation of our main man and awesomely applaud him for so openly sharin' this Dino-transformation with his remarkable readership.   To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Dean Martin 100 -- June 7, 2017

Singer, comic and actor Dean Martin was born 100 years ago today, on 07-June-1917, in Steubenville, Ohio.  I first remember him as an aging guy with a television variety show I didn't like to watch.  Later I saw his movies, first with partner Jerry Lewis, then on his own.  Then I started to pay attention to his music and realized he could sing.  Then I realized that he may have been the coolest guy in the world.

Posted by Joe Thompson at 12:30 AM

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Dino-movement, Joe! The power of Dean Martin grabs 'nother Dino-brother! Ha!
