Sunday, July 16, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Try Again"

What's up, pals?!

How's thins'?

Good I hope!

Great would be even BETTER! Haha!!

Well, mi amici...we all have good days & not so good days. As Franky boy says..."That's life!"

Don't sweat it, though. I thinks thins'...eventually...will ALWAYS work themselves out, anyways.

Hey, pallies...WE is Dino-holics!
WE have a POWERFUL force within us!

The power of Dino! Ha!

I'm serious here, mi amici! Dean's music NEVER fails to lift my spirits & ALWAYS is the last thin' I listen to before startin' my day!

He gives me that little mental boost to take on WHATEVER is comin' my way!
It works, pals!

Now...that's Danny G's "Dino-pep talk" for the week! Hahaha!!!
Let's get to some Serenadin'!

2 thins' REALLY grabbed my attention with today's jam.
First was the Dino-message. Perseverance!

Never give up, pals!
Hang in there & stay the Dino-course, people!

Dean's got youse!

And second...that mesmerizin' clarinet! At least I thinks it's the clarinet. Haha!!
It's got that smooth hypnotic effect to it, pals!
Get's me floatin'...everytime!

Found this easy listenin' & inspirational tune on a Capital compilation al b um from 1964. "Hey Brother Pour the Wine". 

At this point Dino had already jumped over to Reprise.

Great singles on this vinyl, pallies.

This one is perfect for today.

Enjoy..."Try Again"! 

If at first she says no try again
If you meet with defeat try again
Don't forget at the start she won't part with her heart
Til you prove that it won't be in vain

So don't cry and don't sigh try again
Though the odds are one hundred to ten
Think how great the success when her answer is yes
And that's why you must try again

Don't forget at the start she won't part with her heart
Til you prove that it won't be in vain
So don't cry and don't sigh try again
Though the odds are one hundred to ten
Think how great the success when her answer is yes
And that's why you must try again


  1. A great tune, I put this in my second wave of Dino-faves!!

    Top shelf Danny!

  2. Glad to hear you dig the Serenade, pallie! DEF I NATE LY a cool cool tune of Dino-inspiration!

  3. Hey Mabel! So so happy youse digs this weeks Dino-jam! Hopin' it inspires & motivates! Ciao!
