Monday, July 03, 2017

Celebratin' Independence Day While Declarin' Dino-dependency

Hey pallies, likes we here at ilovedinomartin wishes a Happy Independence Day to all our pallies in the good ol' US of A as the Fourth Of July awesomely  approacheth. Likes as has becometh our cool custom here at our humble little Dino-blog, we wanna once 'gain share one of our most fav Dino-clip songs likes that is oh, oh, so so amazin'ly  appro for the celebratin' of liberty. From the classic drama flick "Ada," we brings youse our most most beloved Dino playin' Bo Gillis, politician extraordinare, runnin' for governor and wondrously  wooin' and charismatically  cooin' the masses with his  croonin' "May The Lord Bless You Real Good."

Likes, the wondrously wise  notion of any state or for that matter nation bein' likes totally totally dependant on our Dino for runnin' the action....likes how awesomely  amazin'ly wisely  wonderful likes woulda that be pallies?!?!?!?!?!....'cause while we completely celebrate livin'  in a nation founded on independence, all true Dino-holics likes proudly proclaim our likes total total Dino-dependance!

Enjoys celebratin' with parades,sparkles, some liquid libations and, likes of course, mucho mucho Dino delights!!!!!    

We remain,

Deeply deeply dependent on our one, our only Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

May The Lord Bless You Real Good Bo Gillis


  1. Happy Independence Day! (Even though I'm not American.)

  2. THE OH-ficcial song of the blog pallie DMP!

    This is Ed's Epistle, and I approve this post!

  3. Happy Independence Day to all my friends here at I Love Dino Martin!

    Celebrate our nation's birthday with gusto. After all, Dino fans shouldn't celebrate the day any other way.

  4. Haha great stuff, pals! Have a great day!
