Monday, June 26, 2017

Ed's Epistle - Dean Martin Festival Pictures Continued

Good Monday pallies! 
So I've concluded the wonderful Dino-cation and now I'm settlin' down on the home front.

Reflecting on the trip to Stu'ville and going through the wonderful moments and images captured. This image hits home hard to what Dino means to Stu'ville.

I'm always taken aback at certain images or pictures, but seeing this one on an empty store front on a now desolate street allows you time travel to the days where this was very real. It breaks the heart while it warms the soul. Enjoy...


  1. Hey pallie, likes sez, "It breaks the heart while it warms the soul." Truly true sentiments for Dino-sure! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  2. Yea, it's not easy lookin' back at "the good ol' days", pal. I'm ALWAYS longin' for those cool cool times gone by. Great poster, none the less! Thanks for sharin'.

  3. Personal interpretation...that this poster was on an empty store front on a now desolate street is symbolic of our Dino's staying power in both the good times and the bad times.

    Do you happen to recall the address or the building's name? I'm somewhat familiar with Steubenville.
