Saturday, June 24, 2017

"Dean Martin, the wheel of fate".

Hey pallies, likes welcome back for 'nother day of our Centennial Celebration of The Day That Coolness Came To Earth, the 100th anniversary of our Dino's descent to our planet on June 7, 1917.
Likes, while tons of the Dino-faithful gathered in our Dino's hometown of Steubenville, Ohio last weekend for the 20th anniversary of Dino-fest, which our own Eddie-o has been and will continue to coolly chronicle for all us Dino-holics, the pallies in the land of Dino-heritage, Montesilvano, Italy are hugely homagin' our Dino with energetic events as well!

From the internet pad, "ILPESCARA" comes the noteworthy news that this very Dino-day,  Saturday, the 24th of June in the year of our Dino 2017 will be a provocative presentation of the new Dino-homagin' tome, "Dean martin, the wheel of fate," by scribers  Gerardo Di Cola and Andrea Mosca.    From what we have read below, the book appears to be a work of fiction, but based mucho on the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.   As shared in this powerful prose this reconstructin' of the Dino-tale is "
"through a hazy mix of historical and narrative dimension, the dawn of the myth Dean Martin, starting from the earliest origins."

Likes, oh how we wishes that we coulda  jet to the land of Dino-heritage for Saturday's coolest of cool celebration and grab ourselves a copy of this new Dino-tome.  We're supposin' that the book is scribed in Italian, but perhaps it has been, or will be translated into English for the larger Dino-world to relish.  We'll try and do a bit more Dino-searchin' to see if we can get any more facts and figures on "Dean Martin, the wheel of fate."

We were most grateful to the pallies at "ILPERSCARA" for sharin' the news of this incredibly intriguin' Dino-celebration and to checks it out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

A Montesilvano the presentation of the book "Dean Martin, the wheel of fate"

Di Palazzo Baldoni James Hall


From 24/06/2017 to 24/06/2017 ONLY TOMORROW


22 june 2017 15:57

Continuing appointments arranged by Dean Martin Foundation , in collaboration with the Municipality of Montesilvano, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the world-famous artist montesilvanesi origins. Saturday, June 24 will be presented the book "Dean Martin, the wheel of fate".

In the work, the authors explain Gerardo Di Cola and Andrea Mosca, is reconstructed "through a hazy mix of historical and narrative dimension, the dawn of the myth Dean Martin, starting from the earliest origins. The encounter between the grandparents (projectiles Giovanni Maria Crocetti and Dashing), to the suggestion of a dreamy and romanticized arrival of Dean in Montesilvano. In between, including archival documents, ideals photocompositions and reportage on Italian emigration, the departure of his father (Gaetano) to Ellis Island, the adolescence of Dean in the back room of Steubenville and unpredictability of certain meetings called by " wheel of fate ", a true leitmotif of this novel non-fiction."

Di Cola and Moscow in their work accurately describe some places between Pescara and Montesilvano, where lived the Crocetti, the journey of Gaetano and before that of his brothers headed to Ellis Island, then the meeting with Carlo Di Pietro and again the meeting Jerry Lewis until today the best and luckiest of his career in Hollywood and Las Vegas and the melancholic sunset in alcohol and forgetfulness. The journey through the history of the Dean Martin Family is described through a meticulous search in the Abruzzo state archives and Emigration Museum in New Yok and sometimes oscillates between reality and imagination of the person in the story of some characters creators of cultural development and artistic Pescara.

A Montesilvano la presentazione del libro “Dean Martin, la ruota del destino”

Sala Di Giacomo di Palazzo Baldoni


Dal 24/06/2017 al 24/06/2017 SOLO DOMANI



22 giugno 2017 15:57

Proseguono gli appuntamenti organizzati dalla Fondazione Dean Martin, in collaborazione con il Comune di Montesilvano, per celebrare il centenario della nascita del famosissimo artista di origini montesilvanesi. Sabato 24 giugno verrà presentato il libro “Dean Martin, la ruota del destino”.

Nell’opera, spiegano gli autori Gerardo Di Cola e Andrea Mosca, viene ricostruita «attraverso uno sfumato intreccio di dimensione storica e narrativa, l’alba del mito Dean Martin, partendo dalle primissime origini. Dall’incontro tra i nonni (i proietti Giovanni Crocetti e Maria Focoso), fino alla suggestione di un trasognante e romanzato arrivo di Dean a Montesilvano. Nel mezzo, tra documenti d’archivio, fotocomposizioni ideali e reportage sul fenomeno dell’emigrazione italiana, la partenza del padre (Gaetano) verso Ellis Island, l’adolescenza di Dean nei retrobottega di Steubenville e l’imprevedibilità di certi incontri voluti dalla “ruota del destino”, vero e proprio leitmotiv di questo romanzo-non romanzo».

Di Cola e Mosca nel loro lavoro descrivono accuratamente alcuni luoghi tra Pescara e Montesilvano dove vissero i Crocetti, il viaggio di Gaetano e prima ancora quello dei suoi fratelli diretti ad Ellis Island, poi l’incontro con Carlo Di Pietro e poi ancora l’incontro con Jerry Lewis fino ai giorni migliori e più fortunati della sua carriera tra Hollywood e Las Vegas e al tramonto malinconico nell’alcol e nella dimenticanza. Il viaggio nella storia della famiglia di Dean Martin è descritto attraverso una meticolosa ricerca tra gli archivi di Stato abruzzesi e il Museo dell’Emigrazione di New Yok e a volte oscilla tra la realtà e la fantasia degli autori nel racconto di alcuni personaggi artefici dello sviluppo culturale e artistico del pescarese.


  1. Sounds cool. A semi-factual story of our Dino's journey into Super Stardom. A TRUE tale for the history books!

  2. the journey of Gaetano and before that of his brothers headed to Ellis Island

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but the above seems to indicate that our Dino had uncles on his father's side, and possibly cousins on his father's side, here in America. Is that portion fictionalized?

    Moreover, the above portion which I excerpted indicates that our Dino had uncles on his father's side.

    Of course, we do know that Leonard Barr was Dean Martin's uncle on our Dino's mother's side. But I never hear about that side of the family now. I note that Leonard Barr is buried in the same cemetery as our Dino: Westwood Memorial Park. Our Dino's parents are also buried there, in the Sanctuary of Peace. Our Dino is buried in the Sanctuary of Love.
