Sunday, June 04, 2017

Danny G's SPECIAL 100 year CELEBRATION Sunday Serenade with Dino: "How Sweet It Is"

Welcome back, mi amici & welcome to day 4 of "The Month Coolness Came to Earth"! Ha!

Man o man, I am just SO SO pumped!

Can't even believe our pal amongst pals is turnin' 100!

What a time we've had!

Day after day & year after year...Dino has been an ever present companion for me.

My "Cumpare".

Like a friend, swingin' through life with me. Side by side & never even a worry that he would let me down.
It might be hard to believe or even understand, to many...but to we "Dino-holics"'s as simple & natural as olives in a martini.

That's just the way it is!

Dean is our pal. Like family, really. The COOL uncle who shows up for every party, weddin', or cook out. And when he does...MAN...what a time it is!
The room wakes up!
 Dance floors are flooded, like the party just started!
Dino just has that affect on us.
He equals FUN & GREAT TIMES!

Now pals...I could go on & on 'bout what Dean means to me & how much happiness he's brought to my life. But...I think youse knows EXACTLY what I'm talkin' 'bout.

He brings his spirit to us all. 

On June 7th, 1917...God sent us a gift. A gift that TRULY keeps on givin'.
We were the lucky ones, mi amici.
Most of us, anyway, can say we walked the Earth at the same time as he did.
Now, to me...that's VERY cool!

Of course, Dino's music & movies...TV shows & live performances, will be 'round forever,'s OUR generations that were here WITH him!

VERY cool, indeed.

OK, pallies...I gotta go.
Got some Dino tunes I gotta get jammin' too! Haha!!

Happy Birthday, pal. Salute!

Hey, wait a minute!
I got SO caught up in the Dino-moment...I almost for the main reason I is here...the SERENADE!

Well, pals...this ones easy.
All I needs to do is think of Dino.

He's my guy.

My "Cumpare".

Man o man, pallies..."How Sweet It Is!"

How sweet it is hearin' a nightingale
Echo a call to his mate when the night shadows fall
How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows
Why the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow
How sweet it is all of those lovely things
But darlin' they can't compare with dreams I share with you
I know the glow of love in our hearts like the stars forever will shine
How sweet it is to know that you're mine
How sweet it is hearin' a nightingale
Echo will call to his mate when the night shadows fall
How sweet that rose ask the bee for it knows
Where the honey drips from honey lips where red roses grow
How sweet it is all of those lovely things
But darlin' they can't compare with dreams I share with you
I know the glow of love in our hearts like the stars forever will shine
How sweet it is (How very sweet it it)
How sweet it is to know that you're mine


  1. Great big band tune as only our Dino could perform it -- and wonderful images of our Dino on the accompanying video!

  2. Oh Danny Pallie the days is just bout upon us! What a wonderful tune to get us in the Dino-mood!I absolutely love the tune!!

  3. Thanks Ed! I'm SO SO excited for you, my pal! Say "hello" to Stu'ville from Danny G.!

  4. Ed,
    I'm so looking forward to your chronicles of this most special day.

  5. It is hard to believe that June 7th is almost upon us once again, how time flies. What a wonderful upbeat swinging song for this Sunday and a great early Dino birthday present, a wonderful choice as always Danny G.!

    Have a great week.


  6. I knew ALL the Dino-Philes out there would be feelin' this Great Great jam! I'm so pumped for Dino-Day!!! Enjoy this SPECIAL time, mi amici!
