Thursday, May 11, 2017

I like to play the Dean Martin slot machine when I'm in Vegas. It just feels right.

Rudy Martinez
Hey pallies, likes we are deeply deeply delighted to spend 'nother Dino-day with our new found pallie Mr. Rudy Martinez at his fun fun blog "My Morning Dribble - I usually write something in the morning. Before I've had coffee. You have been warned."  After sharin' this cool comedian's Dino-comments yester-Dino-day, we simply had to plug the name of our most beloved Dino into Rudy's blog search engine and we found 'nother marvelous mention of our one and only Dino in a post from May 5, 2015 tagged "Jimmy Dean makes a mean sausage."

Martinez seems to digs makin' really random remarks in his posts and his patter in this Dean-centric post shares some particular patter  on a number of famous  "Deans".....likes, of course,  includin' our very own Dino!

In awesomely accentin' our one and only Dino, Rudy ravin'ly remarks 'bout  the deep delight that he has while in 'Vegas---baby-'Vegas playin' "the Dean Martin slot machine." We are totally thrilled to hear Rudy sez, "It just feels right."  Likes what a fantastic feelin' it is to havin' the Dino-feelin' of bein' "just right!"  And, likes how completely cool  to hear our Dino "singing Go, go, go, go, don't stop!"  What a Dino-high that musta be!!!!!

Likes, we are completely certain that our Dino-bro Danny-o is gonna doubly digs this particular Dino-gram 'cause he himself, on a weekly Friday eve basis, loves playin' this same Dino-slot and we are sure can radically relate to Rudy's Dino-experience.  We thanks Mr. Rudy Martinez for more marvelous messages on our King of Cool.  We are absolutely in awe of how important our Dino is to so so many of today's nouveau hipsters.  btw, we decided to add an image of the Dino-slot, and likes, of course, a short youtube vid of Dino croonin' "Go, go, go, don't stop."

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Jimmy Dean makes a mean sausage


I like to play the Dean Martin slot machine when I'm in Vegas. It just feels right. Usually I lose on it, but sometimes I win big and get to hear Dean-o singing Go, go, go, go, don't stop! and that sets me bebopping as my pennies rack up.


  1. Haha!! Go go go go go!!! Yes sir, DMP my pal...As long as I gets to hear Dino croon this jammin' FUN FUN tune...I consider my Friday play a WINNER! The little bit o' money is just a bonus. Dean is what makes my Fridays special!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we knews you woulda be the pallie who woulda digs this post do the marvelous max....likes Danny-o, we trusts that our most beloved Dino makes each and every day so so special! And goin' casinoin' with Dino on Friday is the special Dino-accent of that particular day of the week! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
