Sunday, May 07, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "On The Street Where You Live"

What's up, pallies?!

Man o man...can't believe it's May already!!!

Seems I was just talkin' 'bout April showers fallin' & the birds & the bees buzzin'!

I blinked my eyes, & BAM!!! It's May.

Oh well, pals...Spring is Spring...& I AIN'T complainin'!


I just hate to sees it go by so damn fast! Haha!!

What can I say...Dean & this season...& me... just go SO SO good together!

A perfect trifecta that gets my feet floatin' on air.

My head is in the clouds & I ain't comin' down! Haha!!
Not if I can help it, anyway!

Hey, pals...Dino has me in a spell, I guess.

You know what I mean, mi amici. You hear a certain song today...a Dino-jam, of course...& it just sounds a little different than it did yesterday
. It grabs your attention!
Sucks youse in & is buzzin' a bee in your ear...all day long!

Are youse followin' me, pallies? Hahaha!!!

Let me give youse an example.
I was drivin' home today...flickin' 'round the radio. Kinda just day dreamin'. Then it happened my friends...all of a sudden...Dean reached down to me!

Croonin' a tune I ain't heard in awhile.

Well well well, pals...I new's this week's Serenade! "On the Street Where You Live".
 I must've palyed this song ten times today, already! Ha!

So, ol' pallies o' mine...let me see if this COOL COOL jam gets youse floatin' up here with me!

If it does...GREAT! Stay awhile!
Thins' look pretty good from up here! Haha!!

Enjoy, pals!

I have often walked
Down the street before,
But the pavement always
Stayed beneath my feet before.
All at once am I
Several stories high,
Knowing I'm on the street where you live.
Are there lilac trees
In the heart of town?
Can you hear a lark in any other part of town?
Does enchantment pour
Out of every door?
No, it's just on the street where you live.
And oh, the towerin' feeling
Just to know somehow you are near
The overpowerin' feeling
That any second you may suddenly appear.
People stop and stare
They don't bother me,
For there's no where else on earth
That I would rather be.
Let the time go by,
I won't care if I
Can be here on the street where you live.
People stop and stare
They don't bother me,
For there's no where else on earth
That I would rather be.
Let the time go by
I won't care if I
Can be here on the street where you live,
Let me be on the street where you live.


  1. Dino makes this song his own pallies! Great pick Danny!

  2. I first fell in love with this tune when Vic Damone took it to the top of the charts in 1956.

    Later, I found out Dino's version. Much better than Damone's, IMO. Our Dino's velvet voice was made for singing love songs.

    I looked up "On the Street Where You Live" at Wiki. Check out the history of this beautiful love song! It has been performed by so many different artists!

  3. BTW, our Dino's version of "On the Street Where You Live" was released in 1960, some 6 years after Damone's version. But the arrangement for our Dino's version is very different from Damone's version. Our Dino's version is livelier and happier -- just the way this kind of love song should be.

  4. As you said Danny G., spring has definitely sprung. There is no better place for spring then New England. And as always you managed to come up with a wonderful up tempo song for a beautiful warm day, at least it is here in Florida. :-)

    Have a great week.


  5. So So glad youse all dug this week's Dino-jam, pallies! No one does it better than our Dean! Ciao...'til next week, mi amici!
