Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Crooner, actor of cinema, seducer, Dean Martin has done everything.

Image result for Jean-Marc Grosdemouge
Hey pallies, likes faithful readers of ilovedinomartin knows that we greatly grooves on bein' able to share anythin' and everythin' that is relevantly related to our Dino and that are particularly powerfully pumped to be able to share to share with all youse Dino-holics that incredibly international nature of deeply deep devotion to our most beloved Dino.

Likes recently when our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog search to us to the web presence of the marvelous mag, "Epiphanies," which is a fabulous French mag, we discovered a fantastic feature on one of the greatest writers of our time, and the greatest of great biographers of our greatest of great Dino, and likes of course, that woulda be none other then Mr. Nick Tosches.

Scribed by Mr. Jean-Marc Grosdemouge, the potent prose is tagged "Nick Tosches: Once Upon a Time" as translated into English.  Grosdemouge's awesome article accents to our Tosches' wonderfully wise works, "DINO, Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams" and "Blackface."  Likes, as youse woulda expect, we will be accentin' Jean-Marc's remarkable reflections on Tosches' Dino-bio, but if you wants to read 'bout his tome "Blackface," simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.

Mr. Grosdemouge use wise words when he sez of Tosches' swank scribin's..."All with an exceptional pen."  And, likes he has absolutely awesome thoughts  'bout the Dino-bio.  In a primo paragraph he coolly captures the extraordinary essence of Tosches' work and the life and times of our Dino.  For our title of this Dino-devotion, we have chosen Jean-Marc's openin' stunnin' sentence which delightfully describes our Dino with so so much truth..."Crooner, actor of cinema, seducer, Dean Martin has done everything."

We coulda goes on and on 'cause, likes of course, we are swankly smitten by Tosches incredible insights into our one and only Dino, and have amazin' appreciation for Mr. Jean-Marc Grosdemouge's bringin' this beautiful book of Dino to the attention of his French readership...such to energetically encourage many pallies to read the Dino story and thus bring 'em into the Dino-fold.  Thanks Mr. Mr. Grosdemoughe, and all the pallies at "Epiphanies" for their efforts in the Dino-cause.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Nick Tosches: Once Upon a Time

Jean-Marc GrosdemougeMay 3, 2017

Nick Toshes is perhaps the most outrageous historian of popular cultures. Proof by three thanks to some of his books. By going to see who is hiding behind the legend Dean Martin, or by following the trail of an unknown artist named Emmett Miller, this end of Nick Tosches is cleared of margins. And outsiders of culture. All with an exceptional pen.


Dino" (Shores)

Crooner, actor of cinema, seducer, Dean Martin has done everything. Made famous by his duet with Jerry Lewis in the 50's, Martin embodies American success. But who is it really? It is the American levee in all its contradiction, answers this book: Dino is a secret man. It must be said that it charms everyone: veteran agents, members of the Mafia, stars, politicians and of course ... the sublime women. The underground / show-biz links are discussed here. What we also learn is that Dino is a menefreghista, a "guy who does not give a fuck". "The advent of the phonograph and the kinetoscope has shaped the tastes of popular America," writes James Elroy. Dino understood this, and he, who has little passion for studies, who loves to sing and has discovered all kinds of trafficking during the Prohibition era, Becomes a cog in the fabulous machine to make dreams. Dino is not just a biography. Throughout the life of an unusual character, it is the history of American popular culture that takes shape, recounted with a stylistic virtuosity where lyricism rubs off with raw and provocative images. This is a striking picture of contemporary America.


 Nick Tosches : il était une fois l’Amérique

Jean-Marc Grosdemouge3 mai 2017 A lire Navigation des articles

Nick Toshes est peut être l’historien des cultures populaires le plus déjanté qui soit. La preuve par trois grâce à quelques un de ses livres. En allant voir se qui se cache derrière la légende Dean Martin, ou en se mettant sur la piste d’un artiste inconnu du nom d’Emmett Miller, ce fin limier de Nick Tosches se fait défricheur des marges. Et des marginaux de la culture. Le tout avec une plume d’exception.

dino« Dino » (Rivages)

   Crooner, acteur de cinéma, séducteur, Dean Martin a tout fait. Rendu célèbre par son duo avec Jerry Lewis dans les années 50, Martin incarne la réussite à l’américaine. Mais qui est-il vraiment ? C’est leêve américain dans toute sa contradiction, répond ce livre : Dino est un homme secret. Il faut dire qu’il charme tout le monde : agents véreux, membres de la Mafia, stars, hommes politiques et bien sûr… les femmes sublimes. Les liens pègre/show-biz sont étudiés ici. Ce que l’on apprend aussi, c’est que Dino est un menefreghista, un « type qui n’en a rien à foutre ». « L’avènement du phonographe et du kinétoscope a façonné les goûts de l’Amérique populaire, écrit James Elroy. Dino l’a compris, et lui qui n’a guère de passion pour les études, qui adore chanter et a découvert les trafics en tous genres à l’époque de la Prohibition, devient un rouage de la fabuleuse machine à fabriquer des rêves. Dino n’est pas une simple biographie. A travers la vie d’un personnage hors du commun, c’est l’histoire de la culture populaire américaine qui se dessine, racontée avec une virtuosité stylistique où le lyrisme côtoie les images crues et provocantes. » Voilà un tableau saisissant de l’Amérique contemporaine.



  1. I'm TOTALLY diggin' Jean-Marc's way with words! Similar to Nick Tosches, in my humble opinion. Very cool Dino-description! Dean was a man of mystery. That mystique makes him all the more interesting! Thanks for sharin' DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, always so cool to have youse diggin' what we are diggin' as well....Jean-Marc obviously has learned his Dino-lessons wonderfully well by delvin' deeply into Tosches' Dino-bio. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  3. Dino: I don't give a hoot!
    Me: Gosh, Martin was so carefree and I love how he never took his singing seriously. He was so laidback and relaxed. He was born to be cool. 18-yr-old me just gotta admire him.

    Four more weeks to 7 June ahhhh! Can't wait.

  4. Gets my motor runnin' to once again read THE book oh Dean!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss "Mabel" youse are gettin' really in the Dino-groove...thanks for the patter Deanager! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  6. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, we are absolutely on the same page of this...a wonderfully wise of preparin' for the Dino-centennial! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' 'n readin' our most beloved Dino!
