Monday, April 03, 2017

Watch Christopher Walken With Dean Martin And Jerry Lewis

people james
Hey pallies, likes here is the second great piece of Dino-devotion sent our way recently by our pallies at google 'lerts.  From the blog "Civilized" comes prose from scriber Mr. James McClure honorin' the 74th birthday of Academy Award winnin' actor Mr. Christopher Walken.  And, likes what awesome accent does Mr. McClure take to remember Walken....well, likes of course, one that takes the Dino-direction!

James writes 'bout Christopher's first big break as an actor when he was a child.  As you will read and view below Walken began his career by bein' chosen to appear in a comedy sketch with our Dino and his beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis on an episode of "The Colgate Comedy Hour."  That a terrific thrill it musta have been for the child Walken to be fetaured with our Dino and Jerry, and McClure includes youtube vids of both the original sketch and a 2014 interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show sharin' his marvelous memories of this moment that started him on the road to fame and fortune.

We congratulate awesome actor Mr. Christopher Walken on his birthday and profusely thanks Mr. James McClure for coolly choosin' this Dino-accent to honor Walken.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Watch Christopher Walken With Dean Martin And Jerry Lewis In One Of His Earliest TV Appearances
By James McClure  |  Mar 31, 2017

 Watch Christopher Walken With Dean Martin And Jerry Lewis In One Of His Earliest TV Appearances

Christopher Walken - who turns 74 today - rose to fame in the 1970s after winning an Academy Award for his portrayal of a Vietnam soldier in 'The Deer Hunter' (1978). But his acting career began decades earlier with a small role as a carnival-goer in a 1953 sketch with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.

Walken was a child actor still using his birth name, Ronald, when he was picked as one of two kids to appear alongside Martin and Lewis - one of the hit comedy duos of the day - on an episode of 'The Colgate Comedy Hour' (1950-55). The sketch was set in a penny arcade where Lewis (playing Martin's son) wreaked havoc by destroying games, harassing patrons and even taking a police officer hostage at gunpoint.

The 10-year-old Walken had a brief, non-speaking role as a kid who showed up Lewis at an arm-wrestling game. And he's barely recognizable with his light hair and goofy grin. If you don't want to watch the whole sketch, you can check out Walken reminiscing about his bit role in this 2014 interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show.

And if you want to watch the whole thing, here it is. (Note that Walken is the second of the two kids in the sketch - enjoy!).


  1. Man o man...what a way to start a career!!! Lucky fella just to be able to watch the Martin & Lewis magic in person...never mind gettin' in on the action!!! Awesome!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, right on dude...likes if only we had had this amazin' op ourselves...Dino-yearnin'! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. What an awesome thing to have on your acting resume!! Thanks DMP!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o...a "top shelf" resume reference. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  5. This was a big surprise, I had to idea that CW started out with Dean and Jerry! Talk about an incredible break and way to start off your career. A wonderful find and read DMP, you never know what new facts and info you will come across!


  6. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks once 'gain for your kindest of kind patter dude! Indeed, the thrill of searchin' the ol' 'net for Dino-devotion is as you sez, "you never know what new facts and info you will come across!" Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
