Monday, April 24, 2017

Dean Martin - Smoking On Television

Hey pallies, we were doin' some random blog searchin' for Dino-treasure recently when we happened 'pon a blog with the most interestin'ly tag "juststuffifoundontheinternet."   The theme of the particular post was "Smoking On Television" and youse guessed it  pallies....a mixed quartet of two Dino-images and two Dino-gifs were included with an extremely eclectic mix of sources that included Lucky Strikes, Tom and Jerry, Marlboro, "I Love Lucy", "The Flintstones", "The Tonight Show", and "The Twilight Zone."

Created by someone tagged "Thumbup", we dig all all the Dino-stuff, but we are most drawn to the two Dino-gifs, which show our most beloved Dino havin' fun on the Dino-show.   One can hardly think of the Dino-show without imagin' our King of Cool with his ever present Kent cigarette in hand.    Dino and smokin' when hand in hand durin' the nine year run of his amazin' variety series on the small screen.

Likes, we sez our thanks to "Thumbup" for their sharin' of our Dino in their salute to smokin' on television.  To checks this post out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

 Dean Martin - Smoking On Television

reaction i love you dean martin dean martin variety show

Dean Martin does not approve


  1. Although not a smoker myself, it does wake up the memories of my dad and his pipes and cigars listenin to Dino, and my grandfather working wood carpentry in his garage...

    Different times pallies... man I miss 'em!

  2. Hey pallie, ain't it grand to have our Dino remindin' us of so so many marvelous memories! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Hahaha!!! That second Gif is pure pure Dino-isms! Cracks me up just Watchn' his expressions! Good find DMP.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, yup, no one and we mean no one is more exhilaratin'ly expressive then our one and only Dino...the King of the Coolest, Hippest, and Randiest Expressions ever!
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  5. Oh my gosh Dean is sooooooo handsome! (Screams internally)

  6. Hey pallie, likes as you have discovered early in your devotion to our Dino, our great man is not only the greatest of crooners, he is indeed the greatest of lookers as well! Thanks for the patter, and likes keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
