Wednesday, March 22, 2017

What REALLY happened to Dean Martin's son, Deano?

 Image result for dean paul martin pilot

Hey pallies, likes we thoughts that we remembered that there were some incredibly insightful news clippin's relatin' to the death by flight of our most beloved Dino's most beloved namesake boypallie Dino Jr.  So, we just went over to google image search and typed in the terms Dean Paul Martin Pilot and came 'cross some intriguin' info gathered a blog tagged "TREASURENET - THE ORIGINAL TREASURE HUNTING WEBSITE.

Likes what we came 'cross are the followin' reproductions of newpaper articles scribed at the time of Dino's Jr. demise, which are part of a thread tagged " What REALLY happened to Dean Martin's son, Deano?."  After discoverin' this remarkable resource, likes we thoughts that perhaps we had shared this before, and indeed likes we found it appeared here at ilovedinomartin the first time four years 'go on March 21, 2013 as part of our Dino  Jr. remembrance can find that  HERE.

ilovedinomartin is grateful to all the pallies at "TREASURENET" for their interest in researchin' the untimely death of our great man's great son.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.   Hopefully in future years we will share all of these special postin's on the anniversary of Dino Jr.'s passin; from the planet.


  1. Awful. Nuthin' more to say, pals.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, that pretty much sez it all. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
