Friday, March 24, 2017

The always cool Martin went on to cement his place in hipster folklore as a founding member of the Rat Pack

Hey pallies, likes today our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search takes us to the marvelous blog "MEMORABLE TV" where we find 'nother Martin and Lewis accented post tagged "Hollywood Feuds: Dean Martin vs. Jerry Lewis."  We thinks it is a great follow-up bit of Dino-devotion from our last post on how our most beloved Dino was in the words of Mr. Jerry Lewis's first wife Patti, "a second wife" to Lewis.

The unknown scriber of this post reminds their readers that 'though our Dino and Mr. Lewis we an "unlikely pair," but as is often the case "opposites attract."  In the short section tagged "The Combatants" we really dig these particular thoughts..."When Lewis declared his love for Martin before their final movie, Dino replied, “You can talk about love all you want. To me, you’re nothing but a dollar sign.”  Those in the Dino-know know that this scriber has left up a particular explicative that preceded the phrase "dollar sign."

Likes, youse may be wonderin' why we tagged this post with the thought,"The always cool Martin went on to cement his place in hipster folklore as a founding member of the Rat Pack...."  Well, we largely love the way this swinger scriber has of turnin' the descriptive Dino-phrase, "hipster folklore"...'cause indeed our Dino is the hippest of hip hipster 'round!

It's a relatively short segment of Dino-prose 'bout a great introduction to what happened to the greatest comedic team ever...our Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis.  We thanks the unknown author for keepin' the Dino-light glowin' bright at "MEMORABLE TV" and when we checked we found a few other Dino-centric posts there that we will share in the future here at ilovedinomartin.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Hollywood Feuds: Dean Martin vs. Jerry Lewis
March 23, 2017

It’s not just Bette and Joan that have lit up Hollywood with their feuding, over the years there have been pistols at dawn between actors, directors and even publicists. Here in an occasional series we profile some of the best of them. First up is Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.

The Combatants
The confident, Italian crooner from Ohio and the ambitious, young comic from the Borscht Belt made an unlikely pair when they first hooked up in 1946. But these opposites attracted the crowds, and during the decade following World War II, there was no bigger comedy team than Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis.

Hollywood Feuds Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

Hollywood Feuds Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

The Bad Blood
In retrospect, it’s a wonder the crazy monkey and the handsome organ-grinder lasted together as long as they did. Dean grew tired of Jerry’s ego and worshipful toadying. Jerry chafed at the restrictions of playing the clown. By the end, not even their massive paychecks from radio, TV, stage and screen could keep the amóre alive. When Lewis declared his love for Martin before their final movie, Dino replied, “You can talk about love all you want. To me, you’re nothing but a dollar sign.”

The Upper Hand
Call this one a draw. The always cool Martin went on to cement his place in hipster folklore as a founding member of the Rat Pack and continued to churn out hit songs, movies and TV shows. Lewis carved out his own niche by providing fuel for a generation of comics, becoming a relentless telethon host and, inexplicably, attaining hero status in France. Viva Buddy Love!



  1. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, we glads youse digs it, but then we knows there ain't any Dino-related stuff that doesn't turn you on man! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
