Wednesday, March 01, 2017

I was thrilled that a Dean Martin fan club in the USA had discovered my short story “The Girl Who Loved Dean Martin”

Hey pallies, likes it's a new month of deeply delightful devotion to our Dino right here at ilovedinomartin, but we will be continuin' to bring you Dino-accented postin's from Miss Tejaswini Apte-Rahm as we have discovered a trio of postin's by Miss Tejaswini on her facebook, twitter, and
instagram accounts all totally totally  terrifically tied to her recent special edition here at ilovedinomartin.

While lettin' her readers know of her stellar scribin's on the short story, “The Girl Who Loved Dean Martin” found in her new tome, "These Circuses That Sweep Through the Landscape," Miss Tejaswini is spreadin' her devotion to our Dino farther and wider then ever, and while doin' this marvelous mission, she is also helpin' more and more pallies 'round the globe to discover our humble little ilovedinomartin blog as well.

Today we shares with youse Miss Tejaswini's facebook postin' that sends her remarkable readership to the original postin' right here at ilovedinomartin and we couldn't be more powerfully pleased by her great gestures of true palliedom....helpin' work get out 'bout her wonderful work, helpin' more pallies find their way to ilovedinomartin, and most most importantly helpin' many more folks grow in knowin', lovin', and homagin' our most beloved Dino!

Hats off to Miss Tejaswini for her many extraordinary efforts in servin' the cause of our King of Cool!  To checks this out in it's original source at facebook, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, closeup

As I posted a while ago, I was thrilled that a Dean Martin fan club in the USA had discovered my short story “The Girl Who Loved Dean Martin” – a story that holds a special place in my heart. They invited me to write a guest post on their ilovedinomartin blog, and here it is – a piece on the inspiration behind the story and the process of writing it! And it feels great to know that These Circuses That Sweep Through the Landscape is reaching out to distant shores!

Hey pallies, likes all us Dino-holics are gonna be bountifully, beautifully blessed this very Dino-day with a swankest of swank special e...


  1. Hey man...this is some Cool Cool stuff, pal! Totally LOVES when our Dino-vibe is shared with new masses of fellow or future Dino-holics! Makes it even SWEETER when our swingin' little blog is acknowledged! Excitin' thins' is happenin'!!!

  2. This is the best we could imagine pallies!
    Spreadon' the love!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, terrific times for ilovedinomartin.....this youthful Dino-holic author gets promoted, ilovedinomartin gets acknowledged, and most most importantly...our Dino gets lifted up in the process...nothin' coulda be finer! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, likes of course we absolutely agrees with you man. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
