Sunday, March 05, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Cha Cha Cha D'Amour"

Hey there, pallies!

What's shakin', on this CHILLY March day?

Hopefully not youse! Haha!!

Wee bit cold 'round here.
No problemo though, pallies. It's almost SPRING!!!

Don't even matter if it's warm 'nough.
Don't even matter if it's rainin'!

 For's a state of mind, mi amici. 

Now I don't know 'bout youse guys & me...there simply ain't NO better time of year than Spring! 

It's a time of new beginnin's!

A chance to start fresh!
Hey, pals...I can ALWAYS use a fresh start! Haha!!

Snow is gone...for now anyway.
Birds are slowly startin' to sing!

Man o man , my friends...I cants' help but get SO SO excited!!!

We needs a jumpy little Dino-jam to shake off these wintery chills & gets our pre-Spring blood flowin'!

I'm thinkin' all this Cha cha cha-in' we's been doin'...will be PERFECTO for this week's Serenade!

Let's keep those dancey latin beats thumpin' & get our sleepy wintery hearts back to pumpin'! Ha!

A BIG...JUICY...EXTRA SPICY dose of "Cha Cha Cha D'Amour" should wake youse up! Haha!!

Turn this one WAAAYYY up, pallies!

It's time to cha cha with Dino! Hahaha!!!

I Found a COOL COOL vid, too. VERY nice pics.

This should get thins' shakin'.

Hey, baby...that's how we like it, ol' pals o' mine...shaken, not stirred!

Let's go!!! 

Cha cha cha d'amour
Take this song to my lover
Shoo shoo little bird
Go and find my love

Cha cha cha d'amour
Serenade at her window
Shoo shoo little bird
Sing my song of love

Tell her I will wait
But if she names the date
Tell her that I care
More than I can bear

When we are apart
How it hurts my heart
So fly away oh fly away
And say I hope and pray
This lover's melody will bring her back to me

Cha cha cha d'amour
Take this song to my lover
Shoo shoo little bird
Go and find my love

Cha cha cha d'amour
Serenade at her window
Shoo shoo little bird
Sing my song of love
Shoo shoo little bird
Tell her of my love


  1. Top shelf Danny!! Perfect-oh!!

  2. Thanks, pallie! GREAT jam to get us ready for Spring!

  3. Danced many a Cha Cha to this tune back when I took ballroom dancing. Great memory!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we oughta always always keep a Dino-state of mind for sure. We digs your potently pure pure patter of awesome adulation of our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  5. Glad it brought youse back, Ms AOW! My Mama G has been takin' ballroom dance lessons for 'bout 20 years now & also gets mucho pleasure from this particular Dino-jam!
