Monday, March 20, 2017


Hey pallies, likes we have been tryin' to be on the 'lert for any and all news related to any and all centenary celebrations for our most beloved Dino whose entry onto our planet occured on June 7, 1917.  We've been searchin' Amazon every so often to see what new in the way of Dino-treasures might be comin' our way, so far only bein' able to report the recent  dvd release of "Dean Martin: A Reflection shared  HERE.

Well, likes we are thrilled to report to all youse Dino-holics that our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search pointed us recently in the direction of the blog tagged "Musings of a Classic Film Addict," where a young lady, Samantha, holds forth.  Speakin' 'bout herself Miss Samantha sez, "I’m nineteen, and I’m from California, though I live in Florida at the moment. I’m an artist, a dreamer, a walking Irene (of My Man Godfrey fame), and I’ll admit first and foremost that I’m a film addict.

The deeply deeply delightful Dino-news that comes from this youthful film lover's blog is that Samantha is plannin' on hostin' "THE DEAN MARTIN CENTENARY BLOGATHON," set for June 5-7, 2017.  In speakin' of her decision, Samantha states, " When I found out that the iconic Dean Martin is celebrating the big 100 this year on June 7, I knew that he was the perfect person to honor in the grandest of fashions."

Likes, Samantha's announcement includes some info on our most beloved Dino's life work, the rules for the blogathon, and some premier promotional pieces....greatly glorious graphics to help spread the word of her energetic efforts on behalf of our King of Cool.  Of course, we will be lettin' Miss Samantha know of our interest in contributin' to her Dino-cause and we are hopin' that other ilovedinomartin supporters will consider joinin' up as well!

We thanks Miss Samantha for this wonderful way of coolly celebratin' our one and only Dino on the hundreth anniversary of his birth.  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


If you’ve followed my blog long enough, you probably know how much I love birthdays. I always give birthday shoutouts when it pertains to a blogathon entry that I’m writing, and my Tumblr really shows my adoration for all of classic film’s brightest stars on their birthdays. So, after trying long and hard to think of a great idea for my follow-up of my blogathon celebrating the 117th birthday of Humphrey Bogart, I couldn’t resist celebrating another birthday! Still, this time I wanted to change things up a bit and celebrate something more important. When I found out that the iconic Dean Martin is celebrating the big 100 this year on June 7, I knew that he was the perfect person to honor in the grandest of fashions.
Few people have ever achieved the level of legendary star status that Dean Martin has over so many forms of entertainment. From his film career that spanned four decades to his discography that includes over sixty albums (including compliation and those released after his passing in 1995) and memorable hits like “That’s Amore” and “Everybody Loves Somebody”, Dean continues to be a household name all over the world. His long-running television shows, “The Dean Martin Show” and “Dean Martin’s Celebrity Roast”, allowed him to reach even higher levels of notoriety, as did his on and offscreen associations with the likes of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and the rest of the infamous Rat Pack. However, few of Martin’s accomplishments measure up to his partnership with the incomparable Jerry Lewis, which resulted in sixteen films and a lot of laughs. All of these fantastic achievements and so much more is why I’ve decided to celebrate his life and career.
  1. I am allowing TWO duplicates for each subject, but Dean has an extremely significant and diverse filmography with nearly seventy films to his credit, so I would still like to see as many different topics being written about as possible.
  2. Anything relating to Dean Martin is up for grabs! You could write about his partnership with Jerry Lewis, your favorite song of his, his lesser-known westerns, his many television appearances, or even his associations with the likes of Frank Sinatra and Marilyn Monroe. The possibilities are endless!
  3. Once you think of a topic, please leave a comment with your blog’s name, your blog’s link, and your subject (include the year if you’re choosing a movie).
  4. Once you’ve been approved, I’d appreciate it if you help me spread the word! Please take one of my banners from below and put it somewhere on your blog, and make sure to tell your friends. I’d love to see as many participants as possible!


  1. This looks like a very interesting event DMP, I am looking forward to seeing what treasures will be posted.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, likes we are well. Thanks 'gain for the patter man! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Ok...Samantha DEFINITELY gots my attention! This sounds cool!

  4. So cool!

    We must honor our Dino's centenary.

  5. Hey pallies, likes Danny-o and Miss AOW, we are certain that this is only the start of the many and varied ways that our Dino will be hugely honored on his 100 birthday! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our great great Dino!
