Sunday, February 12, 2017

Danny G''s Special Dino-Amore Month Sunday Serenade with Dino: "True Love"

Welcome back, ol' Dino-Amore diggin' pallies o' mine!
How's life?

How's the amore?

Are youse followin' Dean's lead & spreadin' the L.O.V.E 'round?!
I hope so, pals!

It's up to us, 'specially this SPECIAL month, to spread the Dino message!

Yes, my friends...the world NEEDS a little EXTRA amore these days...& we is just the kinda folks to lead the way!

Dino's Disciples! Haha!!

OK, mi amici...let's get to this week's Serenade!

I'm feelin' like a little "Duetin' with Dino"!

Sound good?


Now...with Dino-Amore Day only two short days away...I thought a "True Love" duet, with Dean's girl pallie, Deana, seemed to be the PERFECTO tune to fill our love-cravin' hearts with a MASSIVE amount of Dino-Amore! Ha!

OK OK...don't worry ladies...I know there's a few of youse out there...who want Dean ALL to yourselves!

Some Dino soloin'!

So, with ALL them pretty chicalinas in mind...I is gonna play a SECOND vid from Dean's show.

 'Nothin' better than some live Dino to REALLY get the ROMANTICO vibe flowin'! Haha!!

 Alright, my's 'bout that time!

Let's spread some love!

Give it & receive it...unconditionally!

That's Dino's way!


I give to you and you give to me
True love true love
So on and on it will always be
True love true love
For you and I have a guardian angel
On high with nothin' to do
But to give to you and to give to me
Love forever true
For you and I have a guardian angel
On high with nothin' nothin' to do
But to give to you and to give to me
Love forever true


  1. Love the duet touch Danny! Epic Dino-tune for sure pallie!!

  2. I knew youse would, Ed my pal! Great tune!
