Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Dean Martin shined like a lone star. Martin still shines like gold.

Hey pallies, likes today we share some delightful Dino-devotion courtesy of our Dino-bro Danny-o, who sent this our way early in Dino-winter month, and likes 'cause it wasn't on that theme, we saved it up to serve it up to all youse Dino-holics early in this new thanks pallie Danny-o for sendin' it our way and for your patience in waitin' to see it here at our humble little Dino-blog, ilovedinomartin.

Likes from the pallies at the online presence of  AWM, "American Web Media, come a hugely honorin' homage of our most beloved Dino tagged "There Are Many Memorable Dean Martin Performances, But This One Might Take The Cake."   This particular patter awesomely accents our Dino's live performance of his classic croon of the swank standard, "King Of The Road."  As many of youse pallies will remember the song was part of the 1965 Live From The Kiel Opera House memorial concert featurin' the Rat Pack and shown on closed circuit television.

We really digs the wise wonderful words of awesome adulation of our Dino superbly scribed by the unknown pallie from AWM.  Might we just share a few of this scriber's amazin' affirmations of our one and only Dino:

......Dean Martin had one of the silkiest smooth voices ever to grace this earth.

Decades later, millions still listen to Dean Martin croon over the airwaves.

.....Dean Martin shined like a lone star.....

.....Martin still shines like gold.

We're completely certain that all youse Dino-holics feels likes we do....we can never ever get 'nough
stunnin'ly stellar, swank statements bein' made 'bout our main man!!!!!  So we sez our thank you very much to our own Danny-o for puttin' us on to this particularly powerful patter a la Dino, to the pallies at AWM for sharin' this amazin' adulation of our most beloved Dino with the wider world, and to that unknown pallie who cleverly 'n coolly crafted this warm hearted homage to our one and only Dino!

To checks this out in it's original source, likes per usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.  The Dino-legacy simply grows deeper and wider and fuller with each and every passin' Dino-day!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

There Are Many Memorable Dean Martin Performances, But This One Might Take The Cake


When it comes right down to it, Dean Martin had one of the silkiest smooth voices ever to grace this earth. And because of that he quickly became one of the most popular singers of his generation. But his popularity did not stop there. Decades later, millions still listen to Dean Martin croon over the airwaves.
Below we are sharing one of the best Dean Martin moments. It is a 1965 sing-along classic that was originally written and performed by Roger Miller. The song, which is a type of hobo song, speaks about life on the move and might be one of your favorite performances ever done by Dean Martin. The song is called “King of the Road” and has been covered by many talented performers, but without a doubt, Dino’s performance here takes the cake.
Scroll down to watch Dean Martin sing this classic song and allow it to transport you back to the Good Old Days once again…
Dean Martin delivered this chipper and delightful rendition of the classic song during the memorial concert called “The Frank Sinatra Spectacular” that happened just months before Martin would land his own television show.
Although The Rat Pack was together for the event, Dean Martin shined like a lone star and caught the attention of all the executives and fans in the audience. It was hard to miss him among the crowd.
Even though he gets teased mercilessly throughout the song, especially near the end of the track, Martin still shines like gold.

Check out this man, who was always a class act, sing the famous road song that inspired millions to live a simpler life.

The video featured below was filmed in St. Louis on closed circuit television, which back in 1965 was an experiment.

Tens of thousands of fans have tuned in to watch this decades-old performance that still holds true to the masses of the world today.
Viewers contributed their comments underneath the YouTube video, which included the following:
“I’ve not seen the videotape version before. Much much better than the version released on the Ultimate Rat Pack Collection.”
“It’s nice to see the smoother, videotape version of this clip. Much better than the kinescope. Makes me wonder why it wasn’t included in the DVD”
According to, “Sinatra said, ‘Be there,’ and they were there—Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Trini Lopez, Kaye Stevens, and an amalgamation of two different bands, including members of the Count Basie Orchestra, conducted by a lean cat named Quincy Jones.”
Vanity Fair continues: “Dean Martin with his sleepy power, like a leopard in a smoking jacket, finishing his few songs with the words ‘I’d like to do some more for ya, but I’m lucky I remembered these.’”
The event was a huge success and attracted viewers from all over the country, who watched it on their television sets as well in the Las Vegas venue. Many tuned in for Frank Sinatra, but stayed for Dean Martin’s velvety voice, including the rendition of “King of the Road” as shown below.

What do you make of this special Dean Martin performance?


  1. Cool cool stuff, pal. No one did it like Dino!

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks you Danny-o for puttin' us on to this huge homage of our Dino, so that we could share it with the wider Dino-world. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  3. Excellent example of Dino-live performance!

  4. Super version of "King of the Road"!
