Friday, January 13, 2017

Dean Martin - Live at Westchester Music Theatre in New York 1977

Hey pallies, likes today we have a tantalizing treat for all youse Dino-holics courtesy of our Miss AOW, who wrote us an email 'bout a delightful discovery she made while checkin' out the Dean Scene at youtube recently.  What Miss AOW fondly found was a 15 minute live vid clip of our most beloved Dino's set of croons while performin' at the Westchester Music Theatre in Tarrytown, New York in the year of our Dino 1977.

Likes as Miss AOW shared, "Our Dino is in rare form, especially with 'Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown' and the patter afterwards."  We couldn't 'gree more with her 'specially 'bout the "Bad Bad Leroy Brown" number as our Dino was in fantastic form doin' all the marvelous moves that only our Dino does...usin' his whole beautiful body to sell the song.  The set begins with our Dino usin' his openin' croon potent parody of "When You're Smiling" turned into "When You're Drinkin'" followed by "Leroy Brown," "Welcome To My World," and  "That's Amore."

Likes pallies, this is our Dino at the pinnacle of his cool career....cooler, hipper, and randier then ever! We remember readin' a ton of swank stuff 'bout these great gigs with Mr. Sinatra in that beautiful bio,"Dino: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams" by Nick Tosches.  Seein' this clip is goin' to send us back to review all the Dino-details includin' the fact that our Dino took his latest amore at the time, the 19 year old co-ed  Miss Andre Boyer with him to Westchester to meet his pallies and then went on to come concert dates in Chicago with Sinatra where he celebrated his sixtieth birthday with Miss Andre.

We thanks Miss AOW who can be found HERE on the ol' web for puttin' us on to these mighty mesmerizing moments of deep deep Dino-delight!  We are hopin' to share more intriguin' info and pixs from our Dino's victorious visit to the Westchester Theatre in the near future.  BTW, we ain't ever been able to snag a shot of our King of Cool with the youthful Miss Boyer for sharin' here...likes if any of youse Dino-philes have even a clue of where images of Dino and Andre might be located, please kindly drops us a line!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. Thank you Miss AOW!! What a find, and thanks Mr. DMP for the wonderful verbage regarding this magnificent time in Dinos life and times!

  2. Thanks for the hat tip, DMP!

    As you know, I've been very ill since June. It's only the last few weeks that I've been able to explore for Dino finds. When I happen upon a find such as this one, my health improves.

    Our Dino is healing magic!

  3. Ed,
    It was my lucky day when I found this video clip! And I knew just where to go to share it. Here -- at I Love Dino Martin, the best Dino site on the web.

  4. There was a show called "The Real Hollywood Life Story" airing in the early 2000's and they did a 2 hour bio on Dean. Hollywood columnist James Bacon who was a friend of Deans(at least as much of a friend as Dean would allow) said that the nightclub act never change over the years. He said he had seen it so many times that he could do it. At the time I thought geez some friend!! But as it turned out he was right. Dean added a few new songs over the years (Bad Bad Leroy Brown etc) but for the most part the songs, the jokes, and if Frank Sinatra was there the backstage banter was the same.

    Now I type all this because Dean could still fill the seats. And it's a testament to how endearingly popular the man was. People went to see Dean, not the act. I have a lot of the live show CD's and when you listen to em you are essentially listening to the same show done over and over throughout the years. Even the shows in London are basically the same as the shows he did in Vegas way back when. Yet both shows in London are sold out within hours. Dean was a true Hollywood legend people had to see. And I'm sure there were lots of folks who went to see him more than once and in many different venues.
