Sunday, January 29, 2017

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It Won't Cool Off"

Welcome back, mi amici!

So So GREAT to be here...spreadin' the Dino-vibe with ALL my pals!
How's thins'?!
Totally & unequivocally cool?!

Well...yes or no...thins' here are ALWAYS chilled & on ice! Haha!!
We Dino-holics like it that way!

No problems...No sweat...& DEF I NATE LY...NO STRESS! 

Now we is quickly approachin' that HOT...PASSIONATE & LOVE-DRENCHED month....known as "Dino-Amore Month" at our COOL COOL pad...I figured I would do some wintery weathery meshin' with some lovey dovey croonin'!

So...guess what I did?

Reached for my FAVE Winter al b um... once 'gain, pallies, Haha!
"Winter Romance"!  
SO SO easy to choose a tune from this record, pals o mine...I just cants' help myself!!! Hahaha!!! 

Here's what youse do. Simply mix 2 parts Passion with one part Snow...Shake well...pour over ice...garnish with a wink, & PRESTO!
Youse get's the PER FEC TO "PRE-Dino-Amore Month" Sunday Serenade!

"Hi, I'm Danny G. & I will be your bartender today."
"Please allow me to pour youse up a TALL COOL  glass of "It Won't Cool Off". Haha!!

How's that sound, pallies?! 

 It  was made for a season like this! 

 What a jam & NO ONE does that kinda concoction better that our guy, Dean!

Well... here we go, mi amici.
Grab a glass...sit back & enjoy the peacefulness.

The rest of the world may be hybernatin', pallies...but Dino will keep us burnin' burnin' burnin' 'til Spring & thins' DEF I NATE LY won't cool off!


The flame that we kindled hasn't dwindled at all
It just keeps burnin' burnin' burnin' it won't cool off
Your smile is the gold that leads it
Your kiss is the coal that feeds it
And keeps me yearnin' yearnin' it won't cool off

And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
We've got a lovely furnace goin' for us glowin' for us
Burnin' burnin' and it won't cool off

And when a cloudy day begins to storm up
We'll pity those who find it hard to warm up
'Cause we got a knocked out furnace goin' for us glowin' for us
Burnin' burnin' and it won't cool off
Burnin' burnin' and it won't cool off


  1. The best underrated Dino-winter tune in my book pallie!

  2. Good to see a post here. We haven't seen posts here the last several days.

    Now, about this tune...It really does warm us up during the winter doldrums. Dino's tunes have a way of doing that!

  3. Forgot to say...I love the images in the video!

  4. Agree pal! Time to start up the Dino- Amorel next week!
