Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Dean could sing, and he was wonderful to watch.....

Hey pallies, likes it's still the 21st Day of Dino-winter season, and here's yet more delightful Dino-devotion found while we were usin' our pallies at "Twingly" blog search engine.  Likes this time 'round we get to visit with Mr. Marc Myers, and Myers has the coolest of cool credentials notin' that he "writes regularly for The Wall Street Journal and is author of "Anatomy of a Song" (Grove) and 'Why Jazz Happened.'"

Today we share with you Myers Dino-seasonal Dino-centric post at his blog, "JazzWax" tagged "Dean Martin's Holiday Show."   Marc notes 'bout his blog that it was "founded in 2007" and  "is a two-time winner of the Jazz Journalists Association's best blog award."  Impressive credentials indeed!

The fantastic focus of Myer's Dino-seasonal scribin's is the December 14th, 1967 edition of the Dino-show that he includes both a youtube link to as well as the vid itself.  Likes in doin' a little searchin' this appears to be Mr. Myer's first forage into the life, times and music of our one and only Dino and we hope that it is not the last.  Havin' someone with Mr. Marc Myers talent and background liftin' up our most beloved Dino is simply swank in our book.  And, likes we are certain that this particular Dino-effort will bring many of Myers faithful readers deeper to knowin', lovin', and honorin' our one, our only Dino.

We thanks Mr. Marc Myers for his energetic efforts in the cause of our Dino and likes to checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin's Holiday Show

The Dean Martin Show
 first aired on NBC in 1965 and lasted nine seasons, until 1974. Martin's rugged good looks, enveloping manner, swinging vocals and self-deprecating sense of humor tapped into the psyche of the American adult viewer back then who was shunted aside by the youth market and left clinging to the 1950s. On Dec. 14, 1967, Martin hosted a holiday special of his weekly variety TV show. While there was plenty of cringe-worthy period humor that relied on alcohol excess and women in bathing suits, Dean could sing, and he was wonderful to watch (far better than listening to him on LP). Caterina Valente, one of his guests on this particular night, was always exceptional on variety shows. And perhaps best of all, you can hear the Les Brown Band, the show's house orchestra. This band could really swing. Here's Dino in December 1967...

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhhh yes, alcohol excess, bikin'd women, Dino the audible delectable.... life was good pallie....
