Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Dean Martin christmas songs - Best Christmas songs 2017

Hey pallies, likes we on this 20th  Day of Dino-wintry season we return once 'gain with a fantastic find from the pallies at youtube of a vid collection of 17---count -em---17 coolest of cool classic croons of the season by our most most beloved Dino likes,  as we all know, our Dino made his very very very own!  These swank seasonal  selections begins with "White Christmas" and closes with "Rudolph The Red-Nosed (Beaked in Dino-lingo) Reindeer."

All of us who are totally totally sold out to our Dino awesomely affirm that no one, and we means no one sings seasonal songs like our great great man.  So, sits yourself back and listen to over 50 minutes of glorious glorious Dino-singin' a la season.  Likes we sez our thanks to the pallie who posted this for all our Dino-enjoyment, a lovely lady tagged Miss Rachel Brake.

Dean Martin christmas songs - Best Christmas songs 2017 - dean martin christmas

Rachel Brake


  1. This will be on "repeat" all Christmas Eve at Casa Danny G.! Haha!!

  2. Talk about a wonderful collection of Christmas songs, a winner all the way. A great post DMP!

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, Danny-o, and Scotty-o, likes glads youse digs it, but then how coulda youse not....it's our most beloved Dino doin' the seasonal croonin'! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
