Sunday, December 18, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "I'll Be Home For Christmas"

Hey there, pals...what's shakin?
Is it snowin' in your neck of the woods, too?'s DEF I NATE LY beginnin' to looks A LOT like Christmas here! Haha!!
Gots'nother 4"-6" fallin' on us this time.

That's OK though, pallies. After all...'tis the season! Right?! Right!

I say Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

My only wee complaint is I didn't quite plan on bein' snowed in all bloody I failed to grab me some basic necessities!
Youse know what I mean...Vino...sausage...little more vino...tomato paste...did I say vino already? Youse know...necessities.

Oh well, pals o' mine...I'll make due.
That's what the old timers did. They made due.

Used whatever they had...& came up with some yummy suppers for the family.
My Uncle tells me that his mom would make the BESTEST Pasta i fagioli...just outta what she had layin' around.
So...if they could do it...then so will I! Haha!!

Man...I'm REALLY gettin' "old-school" now! Ha!

Anyways, pallies...speakin' 'bout my ol' Uncle...he REALLY gets me thinkin' back to my younger days.
We laugh 'bout all the crazy thins' that have happened over the years.
Reminisce 'bout all the peeps that have come & gone.

REALLY gets me longin' for those olden times & Christmases gone by.

Man, mi amici...what I wouldn't give to be back there, now...just for a bit.

Hug my Dad...give my Nanna G. a foolish with my friends.
Just be young & free of worry, once again.

I guess we ALL wouldn't mind that huh, pals?

Well...guess what, my friends?!

Deans gonna help us do just that!

Today's Serenade, "I'll Be Home for Christmas", is that ONE special song that REALLY takes me back there. Gets me happy & sad at the same time, pallies.

Sends me back to those WONDERFUL days!

Maybe it does the same for you, my friends. I'm hopin' that it does. I hope it will bring ALL youse, pals o' mine, some GREAT GREAT memories of this GREAT GREAT time of year!

 Enjoy the Dino-Season, mi amici!

SO SO nice I...I had to play it twice!

I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree

Christmas eve you'll find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams

Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams


  1. "I'll Be Home for Christmas", is that ONE special song that REALLY takes me back there. Gets me happy & sad at the same time, pallies.

    Amen to that, Danny G!

  2. Pallie Danny G right on! Warm and sunny here in my neck if the woods!

    THE holidays are for the memories and the creating if memories!

  3. It's a special Dino-jam for me, pals. Glad youse dig as much as I.
