Sunday, December 25, 2016

Danny G's Special Dino-Departure Day Sunday Serenade 2016: "Peace On Earth/Silent Night"

Welcome back, pallies. 

Wow! ...Cants believe 'nother Christmas is here.

Dino-Departure Day 2016. 

'Nother year since we lost Dean Martin.. 
That's a tough one to say, pals.
 Hurts me.

Fortunately, my friends...we have this GREAT GREAT blog...& 'specially feels good to share a little piece of myself & my thoughts 'bout Dean.

Maybe it clouds a sad reality...just a little. Maybe it just feels good to be amongst others who love Dino.

 Maybe both.

Today we reflect on who he was.

A shinin' star.

A TRUE talent.

A good guy. The best!

Who wouldn't want to hang out with Dean?!

So, pallies...with that kinda loss...even if youse never even met hurts.

 But...mi amici...we carry his torch!
 We still hear him singin'...we still see him on TV.

He's still here.
We'll never let him really leave!  

Let's not sulk & be blue 'bout Dino.
Let's instead celebrate him!
Let's 'member all that he was!
Fun...Happy...Foolish...& OH SO VERY Cool! Haha!!

Yup...that's how Dino would like it, I bet!
To be thought 'bout...every once in awhile...Swoonin' & Croonin'...makin' people smile!
 Now THAT'S how I'm guessin' Dean would dig it the most!   

What a great great time of year to REALLY get in touch with your inner Dino, too!
Just soak in his vibe & spread it all 'round! Ha!

 I'm so so thrilled be able to play one of the ab so lute BESTEST of the BEST Christmassy tunes... by the ab so lute BESTEST of the BEST Christmas crooners!

The song I've chosen, for this VERY special  Sunday Serenade, definately HAD to be "Peace on Earth/Silent Night".
I really didn't even have a choice, pals!

Dino MADE me play it! Haha!! could I NOT pick this BEA U TI FUL tune?

With the 21st anniversary of Dean's big exit...Dino-Departure Day......I NEEDED to play a song FILLED with true, pure Dino-passion!

Don't know 'bout youse pallies...but this tune REALLY moves me!

So So softly POWERFUL & So So gently SOOTHIN' to my soul.

It takes me to a place... where we is ALL forever young & Dean is ALWAYS & FOREVER present.
Ahhhhh...Nice nice stuff, pals. 

Well...I wont keep youse any longer.

Knows youse got thins' to do.

Let's ALL 'member the TRUE meanin' of the day, pallies & keep that vibe goin' ALL year long!

O...& don't forget, my the middle of all the chaos today...take a minute to 'member Dino...
The worlds not seen a shinin' star like him again. RIP, pal.

Merry Christmas. 

Silent as the snowflake in the night
Holy is the spirit of this night
All the world is calm and peaceful
All the world is bright and joyful

Spirit of love and child of peace
Love unending that shall not cease
Peace, my children of goodwill
Peace, my children, peace, be still

Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

(Silent night)
(Holy night)
(All is calm)
(All is bright)
Round yon virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace


  1. Danny-o...what a fabulous outlook for the day! Truer words have not been spoken. I raise my glass of vino to family and friends departed and with us, my Dino pallies, and to the man himself. RIP, Dino. Give Jeanne a hug for us and give our best to Dino, Jr., Claudia and Ricci. Hey...tell Frank and Sammy we miss them too!
    Merry Christmas and God bless...
    George the Greek

  2. The perfect choice for this day of our Dino's departure!

    Yes, let there be peace -- peace in knowing that we got to share special time with our Dino.

    And as you said so eloquently, Danny G.:

    we carry his torch! We still hear him singin'...we still see him on TV.

    He's still here.
    We'll never let him really leave!

    I also think this, now that I've had my own recent brush with mortality (Believe me, a brush such as the one I've had makes one stop and think about things)...

    Even after we are gone, there will be more Dino fans to carry on. Talent such as our Dino's endures from generation to generation.

  3. Top shelf Danny, top shelf...Dino-riffic....

  4. What a beautiful song and a perfect choice for Christmas 2016, Dino at his merry best. It really is hard to believe that this year is winding down fast. It is a time to think about this past year and to look forward to the new one. Thank you Danny G. for all your hard work this past year, i know everyone appreciates it greatly. I know I look forward to each and every Sunday.

    Have a great weekend.

