Saturday, December 31, 2016

Celebratin' Dino-eve With Our Dino And His Pallies - New Year´s Eve 1970

Hey pallies, likes our Dino-wintery season is comin' to an end as we moves into the coolest of the cool celebrations of Dino-eve.  Traditionally ilovedinomartin has shared one or more vid clips from our most beloved Dino's 1970 New Year's Eve ver-si-on of the Dino-show, but  only on Dino-eve this last couple of years have we been able to share the entire broadcast in all all it's deeply delightful Dino-glory!!!!!

Likes, likes before  Dino-eve 2014 as we were searchin' youtube for what might be up there from that 1970 programme, we were likes thrilled beyond thrilled to discover that a pallie tagged "Saucio2014" had actually uploaded the whole show in a series of 6 vid clips.  So, below, for our second year on the eve of 2016, is all the fun and frolic from that classic episode and will definitely definitely puts all us pallies into the swingin'est of swingin' Dino-eve-mood!

We digs each and every moment of this fabulous broadcast, but we gotta 'fess up that our most fav of fav clips is still numero five which  has our most beloved Dino and his bestest of best pallie Frank, along with Miss Ruth Buzzi and the Golddiggers puttin' on a radio programme for New Years Eve.

We mostest of most digs that seg of this particular clip when Sinatra brings our Dino to the microphone introducin' Dino sayin' "...."And, now staggerin' up to the microphone, direct from the three month tour of his wine cellar, the baritone of the breweries, Mr. Blinky Tomlin"....and our Dino begins sings the ditty "The Object Of My Affections," usin' all his most marvelous  movements that he is the coolest of cool at, simply drippin' with the hugest of huge hipness and the remarkable of remarkable randiness!

Likes happy Dino-eve to Dino-holics everywhere, and tremendous thanks to "Saucio2014" for bringin' so so much Dino-happiness to all us Dino-philes through sharin' this most amazin' NYE episode of the Dino-show in total!   Dino-partyin', DMP


  1. Hahaha!!! Man...I can't take it! This is a GREAT GREAT show, pals! SO SO Funny with Dino, Frank & Ruth Buzzi! Thanks for postin' once 'gain, DMP!

  2. What a great way to ring in the new year with dean and company. Has it really been forty plus years since 1970!? Time never stops marching forward but luckily we also have yesterdays treasures like these videos to watch over and over again. Thank you DMP for this great new years treasure.

    Have a great week.

