Tuesday, December 13, 2016

All I Want Is DINO: Bob Hope Christmas Anthology #5

Hey pallies, likes don't knows what all youse Dino-holics have on your wish list for Dino-winter-month, but likes one of our deeply deeply desired Dino-treasures is a DVD of the "Bob Hope NBC Christmas Party" which aired on December 13, 1976. It's the seasonal programme that features our most beloved Dino croonin' "It's A Marshmallow World."

Our Dino likes mightily and majestically  mesmerizes  all of our senses as he croons this tune, and 'though we are glad to have the cool cheer via some kind pallie at youtube, we wants our very own copy to be able to savor long after Dino-winter-day has passed by.  It's our Dino at his most swingin' and we simply craves to watch it over and over no matter what the Dino-weather!

The bestest of best Dino-proser of all time, your pallie and ours, Mr. Ed sez it best in his review that was posted  here 'gain  just a few moments 'go this very Dino-day......

scepter dino

"The King Of Cool eases into his green throne to endorse this holiday seasons version of "MW". It's a good one too. Dino in rare Christmas-Cool form. The tree adorned, the fireplace aglow, and Dino broadcasting to his Dino-zens the "State of the Season" address. Dino nails this version. The amber glow of his smoke, the casual step in his stroll. The next two minutes and thirty five seconds, all is good in the world. Your worries and woes are scramsville. Dino once again has pronounced the season full of sweethearts and snowballs. We are reminded what the season is all about."

Likes we did our Dino-homework and we  have tracked down what is the only for sale DVD recordin' of it that we know.  It's found on the biz pad "BostonPete.com - Timeless Media," which you can go to by clickin' on the tag of this Dino-post.  As you will note, it is part of a double DVD set, "Bob Hope Christmas Anthology #5,"that includes the Bob Hope Christmas special for 1975, 1976, 1977, and 1978.  It's a little pricey, but then ain't our Dino worth it dudes?!?!?!

We'll waitin' to find this amazin' Dino-find  under our tree this year.      As a little bonus, we also shares with youse a duo of Dino-gifts created from this most desirous Dino-seasonal-croon.  Dino-delighted, DMP

 A word about our video titles: Videos offered by "WBVIDEO" come from a nostalgic media vendor. In many cases, the only available circulating copies may be several generations removed from the original, or perhaps from an old broadcast. Purchases made from "WBVIDEO" are custom-recorded from source copies on a by-order basis. This title comes fully labeled in a shrink-wrapped keep-case. This media is known to be in public domain. No rights given or implied.

Bob Hope Christmas Anthology #5: Four Features (2 DVDs) Part Number WBVIDEO-037

Your Price: $29.95

marshmallow Dino

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