Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Question To Mr. Jerry Lewis: What was the best thing about your partnership with Dean Martin?

Image result for lynn venhaus
Hey pallies, likes our most beloved Dino's most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis continues to do live performances, continues to do in person interviews, and continues to share his deepest of deep devotion to our one and only Dino!!!!   Likes the pallies at google Dino-'lerts sent us over to the online presence of the "BELLVILLE NEWS-DEMOCRAT" where correspondent Miss Lynn Venhaus' featured prose "Jerry Lewis still in spotlight with St. Louis appearance, films" shares that this comin' Saturday night, November 12, Mr. Lewis "will share stories, tell jokes, show film clips and take questions at the Family Arena in St. Charles, Mo."  In addition Mr. Lewis  "will pick up a Lifetime Achievement Award from the St. Louis International Film Festival."

Likes as part of this fantastic feature article, Miss Venhuas took the opportunity to ask Mr. Lewis a few quires, and likes as almost always, she inquired about his relationship with our Dino.  Below you will find the Q&A.  Mr. Lewis' one word answer brings the biggest of big Dino-buddha-grins to our face and the awesomest of awesome appreciato for both our Dino and his partner.  We thinks youse will be powerfully potently pleased by Mr. Lewis' response as well!

We thanks the pallies at the "BELLEVILLE NEWS-DEMOCRAT," and in particular Miss Lynn Venhaus for her prose, particularly, of course, you Dino-centric quire.  We have only included a small portion of Miss Venhaus' wonderful writin'.  So, to read this prose in total, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes to the original site.  btw, we couldn't resist addin' one of our fav candid pixs of Martin and Lewis havin' much lovin' fun with each other.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Jerry Lewis still in spotlight with St. Louis appearance, films

For the News-Democrat

At age 5, Jerry Lewis began performing with his parents in vaudeville. Now 90, Lewis still performs live once a month and will bring his show to St. Louis next week.

On Saturday night, the legendary comedian will share stories, tell jokes, show film clips and take questions at the Family Arena in St. Charles, Mo. While here, he will pick up a Lifetime Achievement Award from the St. Louis International Film Festival.

A consummate entertainer, Lewis graciously took time to answer questions.

​Q: ​What was the best thing about your partnership with Dean Martin?

​A: Everything.​


  1. Need he say more? I think not. Perfect answer, pallie.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as usual you insights are well stated dude! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
